机器为您服务 You are being served

机器为您服务 You are being served


Until a couple of weeks ago, China Daily had a coffee stand in our lobby. I’m not much of a coffee drinker, but I did sometimes enjoy taking a coffee break in the middle of the afternoon. Often, some colleagues would be waiting in line and we’d have a chance to catch up. The stand was staffed by a personable young lady, Xie Xinshuang, who impressed me because she was always studying when no customer was present.


Now, the coffee stand has been replaced by a machine. I guess we could call it a coffee robot.


By some measures, this is an improvement from a consumer’s point of view. I can get my coffee a little bit faster, it costs a little bit less, and it actually tastes a little bit better. Of course, there is nobody to talk with.


This is an example of a trend that is likely to dominate the world in the coming decades. Fortunately, China Daily was able to find another job for Miss Xie, but many jobs will be lost to the coming revolution in artificial intelligence driven by big data and machine learning combined with 5G telecoms and robotics.


In a widely reported recent study, researchers at the Oxford Martin School in the UK predicted that 47 percent of jobs in the US are in danger of being eliminated by automation. McKinsey Global Institute estimates that 30 percent of jobs worldwide will be eliminated by 2030.


Of course, we’ve heard predictions like this before. Kurt Vonnegut’s portentous 1952 novelPlayer Piano described the unproductive lives of workers displaced by automated factories. Vonnegut was especially incisive in that he predicted three factors we are seeing today— (1) People are unhappy without jobs, even if their physical needs are provided for; (2) Economies become more monopolistic as automation increases; and (3) People with high measured IQs and who went to the right schools have good opportunities, but everybody else is shut out.

当然,我们早已经听到过类似的言论。库尔特·冯内古特(Kurt Vonnegut)曾在其1952年的小说《自动钢琴》中描述了由于自动化,工人被取代工作,过着没有生产活动的生活。库尔特·冯内古特尤为直指人心,他预测到了我们今天可以看到了三种因素——(1)人们即便有工作的需求,但并不愿意工作;(2)随着自动化程度的提高,经济变得更加垄断;(3)只有高智商的人,受过良好教育的人才会有好的机会,其他人则会被淘汰。

Twenty years ago, during the first wave of the internet, I was very enthusiastic about the changes I thought would happen in society. I thought that the internet would allow entrepreneurs all over the country, all over the world, to compete, so we would see a much more dynamic and competitive economy. In the realm of ideas and policies, I was looking forward to hearing from many voices, instead of the few large television networks and newspapers that had long dominated the US.


But I’ve been proven wrong on both counts. The US economy is now dominated by a few monopolies. Google and Facebook make their large returns on invested capital because they have a combined nearly monopolistic position over online advertising. The owners share some of their profits with their workers in the same way that the big three auto makers—General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler—did in the 1960s when they had an oligopoly in the then-closed US car market.


Now, the number of entrepreneurial new startups in the US is at an all time low. Even in technology fields, the small number of large firms—Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft—either buy up promising new startups or put them out of business. Plus, these firms actively suppress the flow of new ideas.


What I fear most is the “California-zation” of the world economy. To outsiders, California looks like a dynamic, innovative economy. But it is now an economy of fabulous wealth for a few, a declining middle class, and large numbers living in poverty. Data from the Census Bureau for 2010 to 2017 show that the state had the second highest rate of domestic out-migration in the nation—mostly middle-class people fleeing high taxes and very high housing costs. Only New York State had a larger portion of people deciding to leave.


In 2018, ,only 26 percent of California households earning the statewide median income could afford to buy a median-priced house, compared with 53 percent nationwide. And, with 12 percent of the US population, California has more than 25 percent of the nation’s homeless population.


According to a recent research brief by the Center for Demographics and Policy at Chapman University, two-thirds of the state’s job growth has been in minimum wage or near-minimum wage jobs. The high wages for tech workers in the San Francisco bay area have not offset the loss of 423,000 manufacturing jobs in the rest of the state over the last 15 years.

根据最近一项来自查普曼大学(Chapman University)人口与政策中心的研究调查表明,加州三分之二的就业增长来自低收入岗位或接近低收入岗位。旧金山湾区高薪技术工人的工资,并不能抵消加州十五年来42.3万的制造业岗位丢失的损失。

And, California has the second worst GINI coefficient—a measure of inequality—in the nation, behind only New York. Its inequality level is now worse than that of Mexico. 48.5 percent of the state’s children live in or near poverty.


As recently as the 1980s, California was the golden state, with the best education levels and the lowest poverty in the nation. Adjusted for cost levels, it now has the highest rate of poverty in the US. And, due to low math and reading scores and high drop-out rates, its schools rank the ninth worst in the nation.


Every nation in the world needs to find a way to avoid this situation. The coming technology has the potential to benefit mankind, but all its benefits must not be allowed to go to a few monopolistic companies and a small number of people.


  • Jessiea

    这次的中文翻译有很多不准确的地方。1. Only new York state had a larger...., 大概应该是只有纽约州的外迁率比加州高; 2. It's schools rank the ninth worst.....,大概应该是加州的学校在全国排在倒数第九。

    虫小单 回复 @Jessiea: 同意你的 前面还有一句没工作不开心的 也翻译的不对

  • 昕妈的阵营


  • 1874873oflr


  • 书剑若梦

    The coming technology has the potential to benefit mankind, but all its benefits must not be allowed to go to a few monopolistic companies and a small number of people.

  • 翟和佳


  • chandler00
