小学英语试讲-What would you like

小学英语试讲-What would you like


试讲材料: What would you like(Robin will cook today)

Dear Robin:

My favourite food is ice cream. It is sweet. I don't like beef but chicken is OK. Onions are my favourite vegetable. I like salad very much. Thank you.


Dear Robin:

My favourite food is chicken. It is delicious. I like vegetables but not carrots.

Thanks Grandpa.

Here you are ! Chicken ice cream!

What can they both eat ? Read and tick.

What would you like to eat ? Write to Robin, please.

Dear Robin:

My favourite food is __ . It is ___ .

I don't like ___ but I like __ .

Thank you !


(课文选自人教版五年级上册Unit 3 What would you like?)


Good afternoon Judges!
I am No.2 candidate, applying for Primary School English Teacher.
It is my honor to stand here and show my presentation.
Today my topic is "What would you like".

Good morning my class.

Look outside. It's sunny, It’s a very good day. Isn't it? Okay let's have a chant “shake your heads” and do the actions together. Here we go!

Shake shake shake your heads.

Clap, clap, clap your hands.

Raise, raise, raise your arms.

Kick, kick, kick your legs.

Wow you all did a very good job.

Now look at the power point, there is a picture on it. Do you know who are they? Yes, they are Wuyifan and his grandpa. And also? Robin. Right. What are they doing? Can you guess? You can have a discussion now. who can answer me now? Mike? You think they are talking about food? Is Mike right? Some students are not sure. That’s ok. We will know the answer.

Class. Who is Robin? Yes. robin is not a human. It is a robot. He will cook for Wuyifan and his grandpa. So we can see that Yifan and his grandpa wrote two notes to Robin. Do you want to know what they have written? You all want to? Ok, let’s listen to the tape together.

The tape is over. Now who can tell me what the note is mainly about? Iris? You said on the note there are Wuyifan and his grandpa’s favorite food. Is she right? Yes. good. Class. Then do you know what their favorite food are? And what they don’t like? No? That’s ok. let’s read these short notes. And finish the form on the blackboard. 5 minutes for you.

Wuyifan like ___

grandpa Don’t like ___

Time is up. Who can come here and finish this form for us? Let’s choose Nina for Wuyifan and Cindy for grandpa. Come here. Ok. They finish. Thank you. Please go back to your seats. Let’s check the answers together. What’s Wu yifan’s favorite food? Yes. It’s ice cream, and? Onions. Very good. Is there anything else? Yes. Salad. What food he doesn’t like? Beef. Right! There’s only one answer missing. Still very good. Let’s applaud for her. Then let’s check Cindy’s. Cindy wrote Grandpa’s favorite food is chicken and he doesn’t like carrots. Are Cindy’s answers all right? Yes. Let’s give her a big hand.

But I still have two questions for you. Why does Wuyifan like ice cream? Answer me together! Yes. It is sweet. You all like ice cream. But don’t eat too much. Ok? And why is grandpa’s favorite food chicken? It’s…delicious. Yes. it’s yummy.

But in the end, what did Robin bring? Chicken ice cream! Do they like it? No. because ice cream is too cold for grandpa. Right?

So do you think what they can both eat? You can read the notes again and find out. Then tick the right one on the book. Finished? So which one do you choose? The first one right? Both of them can eat chicken and onions. Very good.

Class. Look at the two notes again. Can you tell me how do we write note? We write dear… first. And we write what we want to someone. In the end we say thanks and write down our name. Clear?

We say so much about what are their favorite food. What are your favorite food? Ada. Your favorite food is onion? Good. Eating onions is good to your health. Then what food you don’t like? Helen? You don’t like hamburger? Good. Because there’s too much fat in them and it is not so good to you. Remember to eat less.

Ok, class. I know so much about what you like and don’t like. Do you want Robin to cook for you? You all want to? Ok, we can also write notes to him. Just like Wuyifan and grandpa. 10 minutes for you. Clear? Here we go!

Class, we have learned so much today. Can you tell me what are they? Yes, we learn two notes about Wuyifan and grandpa’s favorite food. And we also know how to write one. And you all did it very well. Keep it next time.

So after class, you can ask your parents about what are their favorite food. Clear?

Class is over. See you tomorrow.


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    1834631kwyz 回复 @1376134bztj: 读写课

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    深度网文爱好者Jane 回复 @听友204379860: 发音有的错的

  • 听友401321377

    What is your favourite food? be动词错了

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  • 你兜里有糖吗9
