2018年 WishList
1 去巴厘岛瑜伽禅修 Go to Bali to yoga meditation (意外惊喜: 收获了一枚前世好姐妹� ---Miya)
2 去三个不同的国家高尔夫球场打球 Play golf in the three different golf courses (意外惊喜:去了四个)
3 去蓝洞做美人鱼Be a mermaid diving in the blue hole
4 和法国朋友说法语 speak French with my French friends
5赚到� 花掉� Gain the number I want &spend it on my dreams list
6去大海和海龟一起潜水 diving with turtles �
7环游西西里岛 遇见美丽的传说driving around the Sicily
8环游西班牙探索吉普赛 跳弗朗明哥 travel around the Spain,explorer the Gypsy, and studying the Flamenco(意外惊喜:收获一枚韩国友谊:Banny)
9去北海道滑雪 skiing � in the Hokkaido
10 遇见伦敦眼 畅游苏格兰 meeting the London Eye & hiking around the Scotland
PS:(意外惊喜)11和旅行中遇见的陌生人 两年前在香港一面之缘的Kevy 来啦一场异国相遇之旅
旅行英语:到机场需要注意的标志:出租车站:taxi stop 公交总站:bus terminal 地铁站metro station
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