The Rabbit and the Tortoise
Itis a bright spring morning. A Tortoise walks by and meets a Rabbit.
Tortoise: Hi there, Mr. Rabbit.
Beautiful day, isn’t it?
Rabbit: Aren’t you “the Slow Tortoise”?
TheTortoise is a little mad, but he doesn’t show it. The Tortoise still tries tobe nice to the Rabbit.
Tortoise: Yes, I’m Mr. Tortoise.
I’m happy to meet you.
Let’s be friends.
Rabbit: No, thank you.
I don’t want to be your friend.
Tortoise: How come?
Rabbit: Your legs are too short.
You can’t jump.
And you are too slow.
Tortoise: My legs may be short.
And I may be slow.
But I can still beat you in a race.
Rabbit: Ha!Ha!Ha! That’s funny!
How can you beat me?
I am much faster.
Tortoise: I can beat you for sure.
Rabbit: No, you can’t!
Tortoise: Yes, I can!
Rabbit: No, you can’t!
Tortoise: Yes, I can!
Let’s have a race now.
Then you’ll see.
Rabbit: Now? Okay! Why not?
I will win for sure.
Tortoise: Let’s make a bet.
If I win, you must carry me on your back.
Rabbit: I promise.
But if I win, you must carry me.
Tortoise: Fine.
Theother animals in the forest hear about the race and gather to see the Tortoiseand the Rabbit run. The race is about to start.
Tortoise: See the mountaintop?
Rabbit: Yes.
Tortoise: The first one to reach there, wins.
Rabbit: Okay.
TheFox is the starter.
Fox: Stand behind this line.
Are you both ready?
Tortoise: Yes
Rabbit: Me too.
Fox: Okay. I’ll start the race.
One!Two! Three! Go!
TheFox drops the white handkerchief and the race starts.
TheRabbit is very fast and is already way ahead. The tortoise walks very slowly. The other animals are allcheering for the Tortoise. The Fox is worried about the Tortoise.
Fox: PoorMr. Tortoise.
He will lose for sure.
Goat: How do you know?
Maybe he will win.
TheRabbit is already half way up the mountain. He is out of breath. He stops tolook behind.
Rabbit: Whereis the Tortoise?
I can’t even see him.
He is too slow for me.
This is too easy.
TheRabbit decides to take a nap before the Tortoise comes.
Rabbit: I am a little tired.
And I have a lot of time.
So, I will take a nap here.
TheRabbit takes a nap. Even though the Tortoise is still far behind, he doesn’t stop or give up. He just walksand walks and walks.
Tortoise: I am tired, but I must go on.
I must win the race.
One, two. One, two.
TheRabbit falls asleep and continues tosleep for hours. The Tortoise is now at the middle of the mountain. He sees theRabbit sleeping.
Tortoise: It’s Mr. Rabbit!
Why is he sleeping here?
He must be very tired.
Iam tired, too.
ButI must go on.
One, two. One, two.
Themountain top is not too far away. The Tortoise is almost at the finish line. Allthe other animals are surprised.
Goat: Look!It’s the Tortoise!
Fox: Where’s the Rabbit?
Goat: Who knows? Come on, Mr. Tortoise!
Go! Go! Go!
Thetortoise takes one step, and another step, and another.
Tortoise: One, two. One, two.
I’m almost there.
Justthen, the Rabbit wakes up from his nap and is surprised. He realizes that hehas slept too long. He sees the Tortoise near the mountain top. He runs, andruns, and runs, but it’s no use.
Rabbit: Faster!Faster! I must run faster!
Finally,the Tortoise reaches the mountain top first and wins the race.
Goat: Hooray! Hooray for Mr. Tortoise!
Fox: Congratulations,Mr. Tortoise!
Youwon the race!
Tortoise: Thank you, thank you, everyone!
TheRabbit is too late. He feels ashamed.
Rabbit: Oh,no! I lost.
Now I have to carry theTortoise on my back.
TheRabbit goes to shake hands with the Tortoise.
Rabbit: Goodrace. Congratulations, Mr. Tortoise.
You won the race.
Tortoise: Itold you, I would win.
Rabbit: But howdid you do it?
Tortoise: It wasn’t too hard.
Just take one step after another.
It may be slow,
but you will get there for sure.
Rabbit: Oh…Now, I will keep my promise.
Climb up on my back.
Tortoise: That’s okay.
Let’sjust be friends.
Talent is of no use without effort.