20181214-第15周-Eyes On You-标题:Eyes On NMD1213-主播:King & Leah

20181214-第15周-Eyes On You-标题:Eyes On NMD1213-主播:King & Leah


主播:King & Leah

What date was it yesterday?

It's December the 13th.

The National public memorial day of Nanjing Massacre.

Whether the voice from a countries is powerful or not depends not only on those outstanding diplomats but also the comperhensive national strength stand behinde it.

This is a famous clip from a famous movie My1919(斜体) and in the program we tried to give a simultaneous transmission(同声传译) just like the movie.

Bear the humiliations in mind and stride forward (铭记历史 砥砺前行)just as our president Xi Jinping has put forward in one of his famous speeeches.

History will prove that the realization of the Chinese dream brings to the world opportunities instead of threats, peace instead of turbulence(混乱), and progress instead of retrogression(倒退).The Chinese lion has woken up, but this is a peaceful, amiable, civilized lion.

With dreams, opportunities, struggles,so that everything well and good can be created.

At present, the Chinese people are fighting for the Chinese dream

of realizing the great rejuvenation of the China.

Bade farewell to the bygone.

Embrace to the bright future.


King&Leah .

  • 华科兄弟电脑

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