【英文儿歌】Good Morning Song

【英文儿歌】Good Morning Song


早上起来,一期用一首Good Morning Song开启元气满满的一天吧!

Good Morning,
Good Morning,
Hello and how are you?
Early in the morning,
I say good morning,
Hello and how are you?

In the morning,
I clap my hands,
In the morning,
I do my dance,
In the morning,
I shout hurray,
This is going to be
a wonderful day!

Good Morning,
Good Morning,
Hello and how are you?
Early in the morning,
I say good morning,
Hello and how are you?

In the morning,
I clap my hands,
In the morning,
I do my dance,
In the morning,
I shout hurray,
This is going to be
a wonderful day!

Good Morning,
Good Morning,
Hello and how are you?
Early in the morning,
I say good morning,
Hello and how are you?
Hello and how are you?

