


Monday, Monday~~~
I like Mondays--it's a fresh start to a brand new week, I get to work with people I like, I get to solve a few problems, I get to create some new material...LOTS of work, but I like it! I hope you enjoy your Mondays, too! But what about English?!!
Well, it's 2018--as you look at the year ahead; do you have some specific plans? Anything you will participate in? THEN you need today's phrase! Enjoy^^
Coach Shane
The E-cubed PODCAST is UP and READY for YOU!! #LearnEnglish #ESL #LMEtoday #LetsMasterEnglish

Today’s English expression and dialog:
to take part PARTICIPATE
Are you gonna take part in the book club this week?
Absolutely! I’ve been preparing all week.
For your summary?
Yes, it’s so excellent for everything in English!

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    to take part in