Rules for the 4th CSSC Debate Competition

Rules for the 4th CSSC Debate Competition

New Rules for the 4th CSSC Debate Competition

Each debate lasts for a total of 20 minutes. The timings are as follows:
Phase I
* Opening Statements (4 minutes)
* Speaker 1 from each team gives a 1 minute speech, starting from the proposing side. Speaker 2 from each team then does the same. Each speaker is reminded of 15 seconds remaining with a yellow card.
* First Free Debate (3 minutes)
* Speakers 1 and 2 from both teams have 1.5 minutes to debate freely
Phase II
* Continuation Statements (4 minutes)
* Speakers 3 and 4 from each team gives a 1 minute speech in the same way as occurs for the opening statements.
* Second Free Debate (3 minutes)
* Speakers 3 and 4 from both teams have 1.5 minutes to debate freely.
Phase III
* Third Free Debate (4 minutes)
* All speakers from both teams have 2 minutes to debate freely.
* Closing Statements (2 minutes)
* Speaker 3 or 4 from each team gives a 1 minute speech to close the debate.

