【英语思维】口语关键词break & hold

【英语思维】口语关键词break & hold


break & hold

break "打破"的是连贯性

hold “保持”的是一种状态

break 自身蕴含着一个统一的意象,就是“打断或破坏事物运行、发展的连贯性”
The computer was broken.
Break the law.
Break your promise.
Break the world record
break one's heart

I'm about to break for lunch.
She breaks his hold and sits down. 她挣脱了他的怀抱并坐了下来。
They break the kiss.
The cloud broke. 云彩散开了
My son was about 14 when his voice broke. 变声
I'll let you break next game. 开球
This net will break his fall. 这张网能缓冲他的下坠。
A cry breaks the silence.
Break open the beer bottle.
Everyone is waiting for the hot weather to break. 大家都期盼着天气凉快下来
I broke all my ties with my father years ago.
An accident broke their journey.

Where's the pipe that was holding the door open?
She holds the phone out to him.
Chandler is holding the dog by the rear.
I can walk down the street and hold head high.
Hold the lift. 停住电梯
The car holds the road well. 抓地性能良好

--Are we too late for our dinner reservation?
--No, the restaurant will hold our table.
She managed to hold onto her job. 她设法保住了工作
He made me promise not to tell, but I can't hold it in any longer.
He's trying to hold in his impatience with her. 
Hold that thought, I'll be right back.
Storytellers held the children's interest.

