恋恋笔记本(The Notebook) -08

恋恋笔记本(The Notebook) -08


这是薄薄的一本书,只有两百多页,作者Nicholas Sparks用不大的词汇量勾勒出了一个动人的爱情故事和迷人的美国南部风光。



Chapter 8&9:Courtrooms & An Unexpected Visitor

Later that morning, three men‐‐two lawyers and the judge‐‐sat in chambers while Lon finished speaking. It was a moment before the judge answered.

"It's an unusual request," he said, pondering the situation. "It seems to me the trial could very well end today. Are you saying this urgent matter can't wait until later this evening or tomorrow ?" "No, Your Honor, it can't," Lon answered almost too quickly. Stay relaxed, he told himself. Take a deep breath.

"And it has nothing to do with this case?" "No, Your Honor. It's of a personal nature. I know it's out of the ordinary, but I really need to take care of it." Good, better. The judge leaned back in his chair, evaluating him for a moment.

"Mr. Bates, how do you feel about this?"

He cleared his throat. "Mr. Hammond called me this morning and I've already spoken to my clients. They're willing to postpone until Monday." "I see," the judge said. "And do you believe it is in your clients' best interests to do this?" "I believe so," he said. "Mr. Hammond has agreed to reopen discussion on a certain matter not covered by this proceeding."

The judge looked hard at both of them and thought about it. "I don't like it," he finally said, "not at all. But Mr. Hammond has never made a similar request before, and I assume the matter is very important to him." He paused for effect, then looked to some papers on his desk. "I'll agree to adjourn until Monday. Nine o'clock sharp." "Thank you, Your Honor," Lon said. 

Two minutes later he was leaving the courthouse. He walked to the car he had parked directly across the street, got in, and began the drive to New Bern, his hands shaking.


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