
披着龙皮的王子The Prince In the Dragon’s Skin

Once upon a time there was a king and a Queen who lived in a golden castle with their beautiful daughter.

One night, an ugly ogre captured the beautiful princess and locked her up in his tall, dark tower. “Help me!” cried the Princess. The Kind and Queen were very sad. They promised to give half of the Kingdom and their daughter to the night that rescued the Princess.

All the Knights in the land wanted to rescue the Princess. They rode to the tower as fast as they could. The ugly ogre roared with anger when he saw the Knights. His Roar was so scary that they run away as fast as they could.

One day, a friendly dragon was flying over the ogre’s tower. Suddenly, he heard the Princess crying for help. The dragon flew down to the tower and say the poor Princess. He immediately fell in love with her. He too ka big fiery breath and blew the ogre far away over the mountains and into the ocean.

“Come with me, Princess! Don’t be scared!” the dragon said. “Thank you for saving me!” the Princess said happily. The dragon rescued the Princess from the tower and gently put her on his strong back. They flew high into the sky. They flew over the tower and the castle, over the mountains and caves, and out towards the deep blue ocean. “Wee, I can fly!” cried the Princess happily.

When the dragon and the Princess flew to the castle, the Princess kissed the dragon and thanked him once again. As she kissed, the dragon turned into a handsome, young Prince. The ugly ogre cursed the Prince long time back. But with the Princess’s Kiss, the curse was now broken.

The King and the Queen were so happy to see the Princess. They gave Prince half of their Kingdom and their daughter to the Prince. Soon, they both got married and lived happily ever after.

  • 何玲_6a


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