

  • 连栎

    Day 1 1. People are applauding the players. 人们正在为演奏者鼓掌。 2. The lawns are being watered. 草地正在被浇水。 3. The man is putting on his glasses. 这个男人正在戴眼镜。 4. She is carrying two buckets. 她提着两个桶。 5. She is digging in the ground. 她正在挖地。

  • 2bqp5j5wamtknw14dgs8


    连栎 回复 @2bqp5j5wamtknw14dgs8: 百度上有

  • 连栎

    11. The pharmacist is handing some medicine to the patient. 药剂师正在给患者药。 12. Trees are being planted. 树木正在被栽种。 13. They’re playing on a swing in the playground. 他们正在操场上荡秋千。 14. A woman is pointing at something on a drawing. 一个女人正在指着画上的什么东西。 15. A man is taking a picture. 一个男人正在照相。

  • 淼淙淙


    鱼儿小姐姐 回复 @淼淙淙: 多听多看,跟昨天的自己比,每天进步一点点,不知不觉中已进步很多

  • 鱼儿小姐姐

    Day 1 1. People are applauding the players. 人们正在为演奏者鼓掌。 2. The lawns are being watered. 草地正在被浇水。 3. The man is putting on his glasses. 这个男人正在戴眼镜。 4. She is carrying two buckets. 她提着两个桶。 5. She is digging in the ground. 她正在挖地。

  • 连栎

    6. They are moving in opposite directions. 他们正在向相反的方向走。 7. The men are mowing lawns. 男人们正在割草。 8. He is playing a musical instrument on stage. 他正在台上演奏乐器。 9. The road is being paved. 道路正在被铺。10. The woman is paying for an item. 这个女人正在给商品付款。

  • 小哎姐姐

    7. The men are moving lawns. 男人们正在割草。

  • 鱼儿小姐姐