I didn't grow up with money, we weren't rich by any means,
But I knew I wasn't going to college, I knew that wasn't reality.
I didn't really want to go to college.
One of the things that I was very lucky in my life with is
I knew exactly what I wanted to do from the time I was a young age
I knew I wanted to be in the fight business,
and people thought it was crazy.
I worked in Boston at a place called the Boston Harbor Hotel.
I was a bellman in there, I was 19 years old, I made good money you know.
There's some guys that they get those jobs and those are the type of jobs…
They're lifers, they want those jobs forever.
It's a good job it's not a bad job, just wasn't for me.
And I was literally standing in the lobby one day
and I'm like,
What the hell am I doing here?
What am I doing here?
This isn't me.
This isn't what I want.
And I walked out the front door and one of my good friends
-he's still one of my good friends today-
says what are you doing,
I said I'm I'm quitting.
When you get out of bed every morning, right?
You get up out of bed life is standing right there to kick you in the face.
Leg cocked, ready to go, to kick you in the face.
Because every day when you get up bad shits coming at you.
Forget about work your personal life everything.
Car don't start - this - that.
Life is ready to get you.
You know and you got to get up,
and you got to fight through that bullshit every day.
You have to.
You got to fight through all the shit that life throws at you.
Then you get to a point where life's throwing a bunch of shit at you.
And now works's throwing a bunch of shit at you.
Your business that you have to fight for every day.
And you have to get up and you have to have that to
GET UP and fight every day man.
Go for it, just go for it.
Believe me I'm living proof that it can happen.
Dana White, 现任UFC终极格斗CEO.
总裁Dana White丰富的专业知识、平易近人的态度,使得UFC能够在众多的直播赛事、电视节目及其相关业务中脱颖而出。而他们也计划着全球扩张,他们希望UFC未来可以成为世界上最大的运动。UFC已经在巴西、加拿大、英国、德国和阿联酋举行过成功的赛事,未来还将安排日本、新加坡和瑞典的比赛,全球多个国家可以收看到UFC比赛的直播。
“无论你来自什么国家,说什么语言,只要你骨子里有格斗基因,你就会爱上我们的比赛。我们的运动推崇个人英雄主义,就像拳王阿里、泰森和李小龙,这些人都可以获得全世界的认同,”Dana White在谈到UFC这项运动的魅力时说道。
在这段访谈里,Dana White谈及年轻时的自己,家庭比较贫寒,最初在一家酒店做服务生,后来发现这份工作对自己完全没有意义,自己丝毫不感兴趣,自己只对格斗感兴趣,觉醒之后果断辞职,投身到了格斗行业。
2002年,当白大拿得知UFC的母公司Semaphore娱乐集团打算出售UFC时,他说服了老朋友洛伦佐·弗帝塔(Lorenzo Fertitta)兄弟二人收购了UFC,自己则入股10%并担任总裁。
白大拿 牛皮