Hello~ 大家好,今天学习的歌曲《Ten In The Bed》跟数字有关,讲的是十只淘气的小熊,睡觉的时候特别不老实,它们在床上玩起来roll over(翻滚)的游戏,随着一只只的小熊都掉在床底下,从一开始的十只到最后只剩一只,如此可爱的画面,孩子们要不喜欢都难呢~
以下是歌词内容: There were ten in the bed, 床上有十个, and the little one said, 一个说, "Roll over, roll over" “翻一下,翻一下” So they all rolled over and one fell out. 他们就翻一下,然后一个掉下去了。
Nine! 九! There were nine in the bed, 床上有九个, and the little one said, 一个说, "Roll over, roll over" “翻一下,翻一下” So they all rolled over and one fell out. 他们就翻一下,然后一个掉下去了。
Two! 两个! There were two in the bed, 床上有九个, and little one said, 一个说, "Roll over, roll over" “翻一下,翻一下” So they both rolled over and one fell out. 他们就翻一下,然后一个掉下去了。 One! 一个! There was one in the bed, 床上还有一个, and the little one said, 小熊说, "I'm lonely~” “我好孤单呀~”