缘,妙不可言:忘记一个人太难 It's hard to get over him

缘,妙不可言:忘记一个人太难 It's hard to get over him


1.  I’m moving on

2.  I just want to get over him.

     get over sb

     It took her months to get over Brain.

     be over sb

     I'm over you.

3.  I’ve been through a divorce. Trust me, you’re gonna be fine.

    divorce  离婚

    She said she wanted a divorce.

    Their parents got a divorce. 

    They divorced when John was six.  

    She wants to divorce you.

    through   经历

    He has been through a terrible experience.

4.  You had feelings for me first.

5. Don’t make me do anything that I’ll regret.

6.  I try to stay positive.

    positive  积极的,乐观的

    positive attitude/influence

    stay  保持

    stay healthy / calm

(背景音乐:《force of nature》)

  • 1506837jqsm

    老师教的特别耐心,使我 学到了新的知识,谢谢!