


When I lived in the desert of Nevada in the Southwestern US, it was beautiful...but...there was a HUGE lack of color. All the colors blended together. NOT ugly...but no variety. The same is similar where I live in Chicago--but it's quite different. Today's expression will help you classify a group of colors--browns, yellows, oranges...greens, some grayish-blues--colors that you see in your natural environment! In most cases, they are beautiful colors, but not colors you really want to wear!
It's raining where I am--all day! I love it! I hope you are having a super day where you are!
Coach Shane

Today’s English expression and dialog:
earthy colors
What’d you get me? A dress?
Yep! In your favorite color, too!
Let me see! Oh~ Brown, huh? You have the receipt?
What? I thought you liked earthy colors~~

