玛丽•罗宾逊 哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲

玛丽•罗宾逊 哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲



CommencementAddress atHarvardUniversity  (Mary Robinson)

President Rudenstein, follow graduates, friendsHarvard,

   It’s s greathonor and pleasure to be invited today to share this happy occasion, not onlywith the members of the graduating class of 1998, but also with the familiesand friends who have no doubt supported you along the way with their kind wordsof advice and encouragement. I do remember sitting where so many of you satthis morning when I was part of the class of 1968. I still remember howuncertain and insecure I felt but how proud my father was on the day. Yourfamilies and your professors are rightfully proud of your achievements anddelighted to see you graduate with futures so bright with promise.

   I too amproud. I am proud to see so many capable young men and women about to embark on a future career where they can put theiryears of learning and preparation to good use. Having passed through the rigorsof a formal education, you are now ready to assumenew responsibilities and tasks, become answerable only to yourselves withregards to your performance, your humanity and your soundnessof judgment, in a world full of possibilities.

   But I wouldask you to remember that it is not a world full of possibilities for all. Eachof you has been the beneficiary of a rareprivilege. You have received an exceptional education at an exceptional placewhen there are many, in both your country and mine, and in many, many otherparts of our world, who are just as innatelytalented and just as ambitious as you are but will never have such anopportunity. I say this not to make you feel guilty. You should be proud ofwhat you have achieved. But I do ask that you use your education to pursue onlythe worthiest of goals; goals that can contribute to the betterment of the lives of others; and goals thatgive you personal satisfaction because of their contribution to the society welive in.

   You whograduate today and you who are recent and not so recent graduates who return tomeet you Harvard friends again, can I believe do much to contribute to thebetterment of society. You can become interested and involved in the worldaround you. By virtue of your education, you can offer society the benefits ofyour focused knowledge, as well as a wider wisdom and a great sense of purpose.You also have the skills to teach others to be more tolerant, moreunderstanding and more caring, and I am confident that your recognition of thisspecial responsibility will guide your actions.

   It’s only tosay that I wish you much happiness and success in the years ahead. May yourmemories of Harvard as mine are and the friends you have made here, be with youalways. Congratulations to the new graduates and I am very honored to be linkedwith the honorary graduates of the year 1998, and be rejuvenatedby joining the class of 1998. Thank you very much!


哈佛大学毕业典礼讲话 (玛丽·罗宾逊)








embark      v. 从事,着手

assume      v. 承担,掌握

soundness   n. 完善,健全

beneficiary n. 领受人,受惠人

innately    ad. 生来地,天生地

betterment  n. 改良或改善的行动或过程;被改良或改善的事物

rejuvenate  v. 使恢复青春,充满活力

  • 听友221389721

    还真搜到20前磁带中的声音,亲切、舒服,surprised !

    做一个喜悦的人 回复 @听友221389721: 我在《CE》杂志磁带版第一次听见这篇演讲,喜欢语音、节奏,朴实无华的思想

  • 做一个喜悦的人


  • 做一个喜悦的人
