


When you eat, do you eat a LOT or just a little? I eat twice a day, so I generally eat a lot. I really should eat three times a day... I have heard that eating several small meals a day is actually more healthy~ Anyway, today's expression describes people who only eat small amounts! If you know one of those people, then you can use this expression! My mom is one of these people!
Have a super day,
Coach Shane

Today’s English expression and dialog:
eat like a bird
That was SO good. Your mom doesn’t like cake?
No, she loves it.
Then why didn’t she eat it?
She did, it’s just that she eats like a bird!

  • 松仁玉米_rz


  • 1371227bwsk

    do you eat like a bird

  • 1371227bwsk

    eat alittle

  • 1371227bwsk

    to eat like a bird