儿童英语故事 Beauty and the Beast 9

儿童英语故事 Beauty and the Beast 9

纯正口音带你感受经典儿童英语故事,美女与野兽(九) Beauty and the Beast 9
After the crowd had gone home, Belle went into the yard to feed the chickens. Hearing a familiar whinny, she turned to welcome her father-and saw that Philippe had returned alone!
“Philippe!” she cried. “Where’s Papa?” The big horse snorted and whinnied anxiously.
“What happened?” asked the terrified Belle.” Oh, you must take me to him!”
Belle gathered her skirt and leaped astride the tired horse, who turned bravely and thundered back toward the dark forest.
Horse and rider plunged into the gloomy trees, but Philippe slowed down as they approached the crossroads. “Which way, Philippe?” asked Belle.
Reluctantly, Philippe headed downhill, into the mist-shrouded woods where he had left Maurice. Soon they arrived the gates of the forbidding castle.
“What is this place?” asked Belle in wonder.
familiar [fəˈmɪljɚ] adj. 熟悉的
whinny [ˈwɪni] n. (轻微的) 嘶声
snort [snɔrt] v. 发哼声
anxiously ['æŋkʃəsli] adv. 不安地,焦虑地
leap [lip] v. 跳
astride [ə'straɪd] prep. 跨着;两腿分开着
bravely ['brevli] adv. 勇敢地
thunder v. 轰隆地发出;大声喊出
plunge [plʌndʒ] v. 投入;陷入
gloomy ['ɡlumi] adj. 黑暗的
crossroads ['krɔsrodz] n. 十字路口;交叉路口
reluctantly [rɪ'lʌktəntli] adv. 不情愿地
downhill [,daʊn'hɪl] adv. 下坡
mist-shrouded [mist-ʃraʊdid] adj. 云雾缭绕的
