Unit 1 a 3a

Unit 1 a 3a

  • 听友125978676


    KXEG 回复 @听友125978676: 好的👌我也要上九年级了

  • KXEG

    How I Learned to Learn English Last year,I did not like my English class.Every class was like a bad dream.The teacher spoke so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time.I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation.I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything.

  • 无怨无悔_73


    听友185456369 回复 @无怨无悔_73: 对对对٩(๑^o^๑)۶我们老师也是,主播你可以把这些相关的短语都讲一下会更好

  • A对自己狠一点1573

    Can you speak Chinese? I cannot understand

  • Claire_sbk


    铠甲哈哈哈 回复 @Claire_sbk: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

  • A对自己狠一点1573

    I mean, I don't understand your English in the comments.

  • 流晞xzz


  • 听友184250813


    听友184202903 回复 @听友184250813: 你这么厉害你来讲咯,拜托人主播也是人,做不到十全十美,注意点语气

  • KXEG

    Now I really enjoy my English class. I want to learn new words and more grammar so that I can have a better understanding of English movies.

  • KXEG

    I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning. I also learned useful sentences like"it's a piece ofcake” or "It serves you right”. I did not understand these sentences at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked them up in a dictionary.

    A对自己狠一点1573 回复 @KXEG: I don't understand. Is there any translation?