0802 周四Culture: 美国人到了18岁后父母真的不管了吗?让我破坏你的误解!

0802 周四Culture: 美国人到了18岁后父母真的不管了吗?让我破坏你的误解!


The parents of millennials were overly active in their children’s lives. They would even wake up their children for classes at college and talk to professors in person if their children were not doing as well as expected.

Overly active 就是过于积极

In person 面对面

As well as expected 满足期望

Helicopter parent 直升机父母

A survey of about 9,000 college students found that 38 percent of freshmen and 29 percent of seniors say their parents have intervened to solve a problem for them “sometimes” or even “very often.”

Survey 问卷

Intervene 介入、干预


24 percent of under-33-year-olds think they have a helicopter parent, but only 15 percent of parents agree.

Nearly a quarter of employers encounter parental involvement in the hiring process and the early stages of workers’ careers.

Nearly 差点

A quarter 四分之一

Employer 雇主 

Encounter 碰到

Hiring process 招聘过程

Early stages 初步阶段

30 percent reported parents submitting a résumé for their children; 15 percent reported parents complaining when the company didn’t hire their child; and nearly 10 percent said parents helped negotiate salary.

Reported 报告

Submit 投放

Résumé 简历

Complain 抱怨

Negotiate 谈判

Salary 工资

Nearly a quarter of millennials who are fully employed receive help from their parents with bill-paying.

Fully employed 有全职工作

Bill-paying 交水电费、手机话费等

The money is going for basic necessities and day-to-day expenses. These include cellphone bills, transportation (car repairs, gas, tickets, etc.), rent, and utilities.

Necessities 必需品

Expenses 消费

Car repairs 修车

Rent 房费

Utilities 水、电、燃气等

Today’s young adults graduated into one of the worst recessions. Unemployment rose to 14.2% among 20- to 24-year-olds. Meanwhile, the average four-year college student had to borrow double what they borrowed in 1993. Also, Millennials earned about 20 percent less in than baby boomers did at their age.

Young Adults 偏年轻的成人

Recession 经济衰退

Unemployment 失业率

Meanwhile 以此同时

Borrow 借
At their age 在同样的年龄的时候

Young people with helicopter parents tended to be less open to new ideas as well as more vulnerable, anxious and self-consciousness.

Vulnerable 弱势

Anxious 着急

Self-Conscious 自卑

We see no evidence that helicopter parents are bad for students. Popular media may worry about it, but students seem to benefit from the additional support and encouragement they receive.

Popular media 流行媒体

Benefit 得益

Additional 增加的

Encouragement 鼓励

  • H_vtf


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @H_vtf: 你说的最后6个字我没看懂,可以解释一下吗?我很好学

  • Thomas_Bi

    突然想到两个单词一直没搞懂,工作中一直听美国同事用到 一个是 go through 是翻译为检查 等于check?还有一个是conduct 翻译实施?谢谢帮助

    来自美国的周树华 回复 @Thomas_Bi: 是的!这两个说法都是有多重意思的。Go through绝对可以表达检查或者过目的意思。Conduct也可以表达进行的意思。其中go through的这个意思很口语,conduct非常正式。

  • 黛乐的声音


  • 柠夏的秘密基地

    父母的爱适当就是好的,但是过多就是溺爱后就不好了,什么事物都是物极必反,盛极必衰。 父母对孩子不能管的太多,也不能什么都不管。嘻嘻 中国也差不多吧,从很多父母对于孩子高考的殷切希望就看得出来,but my parents 会口是心非的说,我以后不会管你了,18岁后就解放了,但是还是会帮你嗯。 一不小心说的多了,嘻嘻,树华要加油哦

  • Scarlet_59
