[ 英文参考 ]
The story follows a former FBI agent, played by Dwayne Johnson, who must rescue his family from a newly built skyscraper after it is taken over by criminals and set on fire.
A week before we started shooting, I found out that we’re gonna have our third baby girl. And that was an emotional angel for me that I was able to take with me throughout the entire movie.
He stepped away from the set, and he facetimed his wife, while she gave birth to his baby daughter.
He came back, and, he’s wiping his own tears.
In the movie, when he knew his wife and children were trapped in the building, Zhao asked him, “what’s the plan?” He answered,“Whatever it takes.”
It’s okay to be scared. In order to be brave, you’ve got to be a little scared.
You really need a shower.
背景音乐:All about us--He is We&Owlcity
一直在听你的节目 你的节目很nice哟 现在在听错过的 Zoey加油^0^~
Zoey朱珠 回复 @龙雪飞: 谢谢你
Zoey朱珠 回复 @Jerry光光: 感谢认可~
繁枫_3u 回复 @浅夏初晴__8j: 人生便是如此,回到平凡,是我们每一个人的终点。
Zoey朱珠 回复 @牛了个逼biu: 谢谢~
Zoey朱珠 回复 @听友14562447:
Zoey朱珠 回复 @小明卖菊花: 这才最棒~~
Zoey朱珠 回复 @暖阅: 夏天快乐
Zoey朱珠 回复 @白菜萝卜瓜: 一直有更新噢~ 刷新下试试?