048.(LV2-2)Double Standard MS

048.(LV2-2)Double Standard MS


Welcome to the mini story for Double Standard. Let’s get started. There is a badass marine
named Serin. He has an intimate relationship with Julia Roberts. They are very, very close.
Serin likes Julia but one day he decides she’s just not what he’s looking for. He breaks up
with Julia. Julia feels betrayed. She says "how can you do this to me? Why are you hurting me?
Please take me back."
But Serin won’t budge. He says "no I don’t want you Julia". Julia can’t get past the break-up.
Every day she follows Serin. Every day she calls him.
At first, Serin turns a blind eye to her behavior but finally he can’t ignore it anymore. He yells
at Julia and says "I won’t bow to this pressure. I won’t take you back. So leave me alone." Julia
asks "do you have another girlfriend".
He says "yes I’m dating Hilary Clinton now. She’s rich and very powerful." "Really? Wow, I
like her. I’m going to vote for her", says Julia.
She says, "I still feel a little uneasy but if you’re dating Hilary I guess it’s okay". Julia smiles
and walks away. As she leaves she yells, "so is Bill free for dating?"
Okay one more time this time with questions. There is a bad ass marine named Serin -- bad
ass ooh that’s slang. Bad ass means tough, very strong -- tough, very good at what he does. So
very strong and tough. There’s a bad ass marine named Serin.
A marine is a kind of soldier, a kind of fighter. He has an intimate relationship with Julia
Roberts. Are Serin and Julia Roberts only friends, just friends? No-no-no. They have an intimate
It means they’re very close not only friends, they are dating each other. They have an inti-
mate relationship. Are they probably having sex? Yes, probably they are. They have an intimate
They are dating. They’re very, very close. Serin and Julia Roberts have an intimate relation-
ship. Does Serin have an intimate relationship with Cameron Diaz? No-no.
He does not have an intimate relationship with Cameron Diaz. He has an intimate relation-
ship with Julia Roberts. They are very, very close. Serin likes Julia but one day he decides she’s
just not what he’s looking for. Does Serin want Julia?
No, he doesn’t. He decides she’s not what he’s looking for. She’s not really what -- she’s not
really what he wants. So he decides she’s just not what he’s looking for. Is Hilary Clinton what he’s
looking for? Yes, Hilary Clinton is what he’s looking for.
She’s rich and powerful that’s what he’s looking for. Serin’s looking for rich and powerful.
Julia Roberts is not powerful enough so she’s not what he’s looking for. Is Cameron Diaz what Serin
is looking for? No, he doesn’t want Cameron Diaz.
Cameron Diaz is not what he’s looking for. What is Serin looking for? Serin is looking for a
rich and powerful woman like Hilary Clinton so he breaks up with Julia. Julia feels betrayed. Does
Julia feel he did something bad to her?
Yes, exactly she feels -- she feels he did something bad to her. They were close, she trusted
him, and then he hurt her. Did Serin betray Cameron Diaz? No, he didn’t betray Cameron Diaz. He
never dated Cameron Diaz.
He never did anything bad to her. He did not betray Cameron Diaz. Did he betray Hilary
Clinton? No, he did not. He did not hurt Hilary Clinton.
Did he betray Julia? Well, breaking up is not really betraying but Julia feels betrayed. She
feels betrayed. Betrayed is the emotion e.d. feel betrayed. But really Serin did not betray her.
But anyway she says "how can you do this to me? Why are you hurting me? Please take me
back". But Serin won’t budge. Will Serin change his mind?
No, he won’t budge. He won’t change at all. Will he change a little bit? No, Serin will not
change not even a little bit. He won’t budge.
He won’t change at all. Will Julia budge? No, she doesn’t want to budge either. She wants
him back one hundred percent. She doesn’t want to change either.
So Julia won’t budge and Serin won’t budge. Serin says "no I don’t want you Julia." But Julia
says "yes I want you back." Neither one of them will budge. They won’t budge.
Julia can’t get passed the break-up. Can Julia forget the break-up? No she can’t forget the
break-up. She can’t get past the break-up. Can Julia get past Mel Gibson?
Well, yeah she never dated Mel Gibson so she doesn’t need to get past Mel Gibson. Who
does she need to get past? Well, she needs to get past Serin. Serin is her ex-boyfriend. She needs
to get past Serin.
Can she get past Serin? No-no. She can’t get past him. She can get past Serin. She can’t
get past the break-up.
She’s still upset. Is she still very sad about Serin and the break-up? Yes, that’s right she’s still
very, very sad. She can’t get past the break-up. So every day she follows Serin.
Every day she calls him on the phone. At first, Serin turns a blind eye to her behavior. In the
beginning, does Serin get upset by her behavior? No-no. In the beginning, he turns a blind eye.
He ignores her. He pretends he doesn’t see her. He pretends he’s not bothered by her
behavior. So he turns a blind eye to her behavior. Does Serin turn a blind eye to Cameron Diaz?
No, he doesn’t ignore Cameron Diaz. Who does he turn a blind eye to? Well, he turns a blind
eye to Julia Roberts. In fact, he turns a blind eye to her behavior. He ignores her behavior.
Does Julia turn a blind eye to Serin? No-no. She doesn’t ignore him. She does not turn a
blind eye to Serin. Serin turns a blind eye to her behavior but she does not turn a blind eye to Serin.
She keeps calling him. Finally, Serin can’t ignore her anymore. He yells at Julia and says "I
won’t bow to this pressure." Will Serin do what Julia wants him to do? No -no, he won’t.
He won’t bow to the pressure. He will not change because of her pressure. Will he bow to
Cameron Diaz’ pressure? No, Cameron is not pressuring him. Cameron is just a friend.
She’s not pressuring him. Julia is pressuring him. He won’t bow to Julia’s pressure. Will he
date Julia again? No, he won’t.
He won’t bow to her pressure. He won’t do what she wants. What does Julia want? Julia
wants to date him again. So she’s pressuring him "please date me again, please date me again,
please date me again". Will he bow to this pressure?
No, he won’t bow to this pressure. He says "I won’t take you back. So leave me alone."
Julia asks, "do you have another girlfriend". And he says, "yes I’m dating Hilary Clinton now".
She’s rich and very powerful. Julia says "really. Wow, I like her. I’m going to vote for her. I
still feel a little uneasy but if you’re dating Hilary I guess I’m okay".
Does she feel a little uncomfortable about Hilary? Yes, that’s right. She feels a little uneasy
that he is dating Hilary. Is she very upset that Serin is dating Hilary? No-no-no.
She’s not very upset she’s just a little uneasy. She’s uneasy. She’s not very, very upset she’s
just uneasy. Why is Julia uneasy? Well, she’s uneasy because Serin is dating a new girl.
But it’s Hilary Clinton and she likes Hilary so she’s only uneasy- not very upset. Is Serin
uneasy? No, Serin’s not uneasy. Serin is okay. He’s dating Hilary and he’s happy with Hilary.
So Serin is not uneasy about Hilary. Who is uneasy about Hilary? Well, Julia Roberts is a lit-
tle uneasy about Hilary but just a little. It’s not bad. And she says "well I’m going to vote for her so if
you’re dating Hilary it’s okay."
Finally, she turns and walks away. When she’s walking away Julia smiles and she yells to
Serin, "so does this mean Bill Clinton is free for dating?"
Alright. Now one more time. This time I will pause after the key phrases. Please repeat the
phrases after me but don’t just repeat- copy my intonation. Copy my pronunciation. Try to speak
exactly like me. Let’s go.
There’s a bad ass marine named Serin. [pause] There’s a bad ass named Serin. [pause] He
has an intimate relationship with Julia Roberts. [pause] He has an intimate relationship with Julia
Roberts. [pause] They’re very, very close.
Serin likes Julia but one day he decides she’s just not what he’s looking for. [pause] She’s
just not what he’s looking for. [pause] He breaks up with Julia. Julia feels betrayed. [pause] Julia
feels betrayed. [pause]
She says "how can you do this to me? Why are you hurting me? Please take me back". But
Serin won’t budge. [pause] But Serin won’t budge. [pause]
He says "no I don’t want you Julia." Julia can’t get past the break-up. [pause] Julia can’t get
past the break-up. [pause] Every day she follows Serin. Every day she calls him.
At first, Serin turns a blind eye to her behavior. [pause] At first, Serin turns a blind eye to her
behavior. [pause] But finally he can’t ignore it anymore. He yells at Julia and says "I won’t bow to
this pressure." [pause] I won’t bow to this pressure. [pause]
"I won’t take you back so please leave me alone". Julia asks "do you have another girlfriend".
And Serin says "yes I’m dating Hilary Clinton now. She’s rich and very powerful". Julia says "really?
Wow, I like her. I’m going to vote for her."
I still feel a little uneasy. [pause] I still feel a little uneasy. [pause] But if you’re dating Hilary
I guess it’s okay. Julia smiles and walks away. As she leaves she yells "so is Bill Clinton free for
dating?" [pause]
Alright. That is all of the mini story. Now pause and try to tell all of the story yourself. You
don’t need to remember every word but try to use the new phrases and the new words correctly; if
you cannot just relax and listen again. Listen to this story every day for one week or two weeks and
you will internalize the new phrases. You’ll also internalize a lot of basic grammar and a lot of basic
pronunciation by listening again, and again, and again.
Alright. See you next time. Bye-bye.

  • 夏至JP


  • 1853976rwes

    Hilary Clinton 美国国务卿 wife Bill Clinton 美国凤流总统 husband the wife can date.that means that husband is free to date.

  • 孟生_ip

    free for dating 不太明白

    独立思考528 回复 @孟生_ip: 意思是比尔克林顿是自由身了,茱莉亚罗伯茨可以和他约会了

  • 1867936hfql


  • 杜腐竹

    i will not bow to the pressure

  • 1x1413766m036

    Crystal: I love the mini stories they are interesting

  • 听友185570553

    The story making the lesson more interesting , I like it .

  • 1396179ioaw

    I have listened for several times and I feel better than the first time

  • 厉害了好吧


  • 孟生_ip

    get past bow to this pressure