Meb Faber (Cambria): Global Asset Allocation

Meb Faber (Cambria): Global Asset Allocation


Myguest today is Mr Meb Faber.  

Mr. Faber is a co-founder and the Chief Investment Officer of Cambria Investment Management. He is the manager of Cambria’s ETFs, separate accounts and private investment funds.

Mr. Faber has authored numerous white papers and five books. He is a frequent speaker and writer on investment strategies. Mr. Faber graduated from the University of Virginia with a double major in Engineering Science and Biology.

Mr Faber is also the host of The Med Faber show, a very popular podcast. I myself have listened to at least a dozen episodes, if not more from the podcast, and I recommend anyone who is interested in investment to subscribe to it.

Today, our topic is global asset allocation.I believe Mr Faber is one of the most qualified experts to talk about this subject. I personally have read his book on global asset allocation, and enjoyed reading it a lot. I believe today’s session is a fantastic opportunity for us to pick the brain of Mr Faber, and learn some valuable information in the field of global asset allocation. 

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