The China Travel Podcast | WildChina 碧山播客

The China Travel Podcast | WildChina 碧山播客



碧山播客 (The China Travel Podcast) 汇集了来自世界各地的专家的故事和建议,这些故事或多或少都与中国有关,旨在以人类故事和文化交流为特色,激发可持续旅游的灵感。 每一期我们都会和一位特别嘉宾一起前往中国不同的目的地——目的地可以是大到一个省,小到一个村庄,也可以不是一个地区位置,而是一个学习领域,或者只是一种生活方式。 此专辑为英文对话形式,有兴趣的朋友可以关注碧山官方英文公众号:WildChina Journeys 访问更多有趣的内容!

The China Travel Podcast is a collection stories and advice from experts around the globe, all tied in to China in one way or another, with the aim of inspiring sustainable travel featuring human stories and cultural exchange. Each episode we’ll be heading to a different destination in China with a special guest – and when we say a destination it can be as big as a province, as small as a village, or, it may not be a physical location at all but a field of study or simply a way of life.

The China Travel Podcast is produced by WildChina Travel and hosted by Mei Zhang.

About us: WildChina is a sustainable travel company specializing in bespoke off-the-beaten-path journeys which foster cross-cultural human-to-human connections to show travelers our China - the real China. Learn more on our website:

About the host: Mei Zhang, founded WildChina in 2000 with the aim of providing a sophisticated, sustainable interpretation of Chinese culture and nature through experiential travel. WildChina has since achieved that goal, being named National Geographic Adventure’s ‘Best Adventure Travel Company on Earth’. Mei’s expertise has also led her to win a number of personal awards and accolades, including Travel and Leisure’s A-List of Top Travel Advisors, Condé Nast Traveler’s Top Travel Specialist, Wendy Perrin’s #WOW List of Travel Experts, and AFAR’s Travel Vanguard Honoree.

Follow our official English WeChat for more information: WildChina_Journeys

