



绿色发展人人有责,贵在行动、成在坚持。 Promoting green development is down to every last one of us; its success hinges on action and commitment.

聚焦突出矛盾和关键环节 focus on resolving acute problems and strengthening key links

促进国有资产保值增值 maintain and increase the value of state assets

积极稳妥推进混合所有制改革 Reforms to introduce mixed ownership will be actively but prudently advanced.

建立职业经理人制度 hire professional managers

“僵尸企业” "zombie enterprises"

自然垄断行业 natural monopoly industries

网运分开 network ownership and operation

国有企业要通过改革创新、强身健体。 SOEs should get stronger and healthier through reform and innovation.

按照竞争中性原则 follow the principle of competitive neutrality

招投标 public biddings

构建亲清新型政商关系 foster a new type of cordial and clean relationship between government and business

对错案冤案要有错必纠。 Any wrongly adjudicated cases will be corrected.

财政事权 fiscal powers

以服务实体经济为导向 better serve the real economy

促进外贸稳中提质 promote stable and higher quality growth of foreign trade

推动出口市场多元化 work to diversify export markets

发挥好综合保税区作用 give better play to the role of integrated bonded areas

优化进口结构,积极扩大进口。 The import mix will be improved and imports will be actively expanded.

加快提升通关便利化水平 step up efforts to facilitate customs clearance

加大吸引外资力度 do more to attract foreign investment

加快与国际通行经贸规则对接 further align our policies with internationally accepted trade rules

增设上海自贸试验区新片区 expand the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

推进海南自贸试验区建设 step up the building of the China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone

增强辐射带动作用,打造改革开放新高地 better lead their surrounding areas and grow into new pacesetters of reform and opening up

社会事业 social programs

满足群众多层次、多样化需求 meet people's multilevel and diverse needs

抓紧解决城镇学校“大班额”问题 move faster to address the problem of oversized classes in urban schools

保障进城务工人员随迁子女教育 ensure access to education for children living with their migrant worker parents in cities

