



为农业富余劳动力转移就业留出空间 create nonagricultural employment opportunities for the surplus rural workforce

更多采取改革的办法,更多运用市场化、法治化手段 use more reforms and means in accordance with market principles and law

提升产业链水平 upgrade industrial chains

畅通国民经济循环 ensure unimpeded flows in the economy

精准发力、务求实效 adopt precise measures to deliver solid outcomes

防范化解重大风险 forestall and defuse major risks

强化底线思维 be clear about potential dangers; prepare for worst-case scenarios

输入性风险 externally-generated risks

深度贫困地区和特殊贫困群体 deeply impoverished areas and the most vulnerable groups

统筹兼顾 take a holistic approach

做好今年政府工作,要注重把握好以下关系。 For the government to deliver this year, we need to get the following relationships right.

凝心聚力办好自己的事 focus on running our own affairs well

毫不动摇坚持发展是硬道理、发展应该是科学发展和高质量发展的战略思想 never falter in our commitment to the strategic thinking that development is of paramount importance and that it should be sound and of high quality

保持战略定力 maintain strategic focus

敢于应对挑战 face challenges squarely

牢牢把握发展主动权 remain firm in our commitment to pursuing development

长期积累的诸多风险隐患必须加以化解,但要遵循规律,讲究方式方法。 The many risks and potential problems that have built up over the years demand stronger mitigating action, but in doing so we need to observe objective laws and take the right approach.

要把握好节奏和力度 get the pace and intensity right

不能只顾眼前,采取损害长期发展的短期强刺激政策 must not attend only to immediate concerns or adopt short-term strong stimulus policies that will end up undermining long-term development

激发市场主体活力 energize market entities

加强公正监管 ensure impartial regulation

打造法治化、国际化、便利化的营商环境 create a law-based, internationalized and enabling business environment

坚持以人民为中心的发展思想 stay true to the vision of people-centered development

尽力而为、量力而行 do everything within our capacity

中国人民勤劳智慧,具有无限的创新创造潜能 The Chinese are an industrious and talented people and possess boundless potential for innovation and creativity.

要突出重点、把握关键 must have clear priorities and address crucial issues

扎实做好各项工作 deliver a solid performance across the board

创新和完善宏观调控 develop new and improved approaches to macro regulation

坚持以市场化改革的思路和办法破解发展难题 keep using market-oriented reform thinking and approaches to resolve problems in development

