






社会大局保持稳定 Social stability was ensured.

战胜任何艰难险阻 prevail over any difficulty or obstacle

中国的发展没有过不去的坎。 There is no difficulty that cannot be overcome in China's pursuit of development!

创新和完善宏观调控 develop new ways to improve macro regulation

不搞“大水漫灌”式强刺激 choose not to adopt a deluge of strong stimulus policies

加强定向、相机调控 improve targeted and well-timed regulation

主动预调、微调 carry out anticipatory adjustments and fine-tuning

财政支出 budgetary spending

盘活财政存量资金 put idle budgetary funds to use

融资难融资贵问题 the difficulties and high costs of financing

融资成本上升势头得到初步遏制。 Initial success was made in curbing the rising cost of financing.

结构性去杠杆 structural deleveraging

全面开展蓝天、碧水、净土保卫战。 We launched an all-out fight to keep our skies blue, our waters clear, and our land pollution-free.

推进钢铁、煤炭行业市场化去产能。 We made progress in using market mechanisms to cut capacity in the steel and coal industries.

取消一批行政许可事项 A number of government permits were abolished.

“双随机、一公开”监管全面实施。 Oversight conducted through the random selection of both inspectors and inspection targets and the prompt release of results was implemented nationwide.

清理规范各类涉企收费 overhaul the charges and fees levied on businesses

企业和群众办事便利度不断提高 Both businesses and the public now enjoy increasingly better access to government services.

调动各类创新主体积极性 keep innovators of all kinds fully motivated

研发费用加计扣除比例 the proportion of additional tax-deductible R&D costs

提质增效 improve quality and performance

预算绩效管理改革全面启动 launch performance-based budget management reform across the country

利率、汇率市场化形成机制 the mechanisms through which interest rates and exchange rates are set by the market

引领效应 a pace-setting effect

货物通关时间压缩一半以上 cut the time needed for customs clearance by more than half

跨境电商综合试验区 integrated pilot zones for cross-border e-commerce

复制推广自贸试验区改革经验。 Reform measures proven to work in pilot free trade zones were replicated and applied elsewhere.

扩大金融、汽车等行业开放 open up sectors like finance and automobiles wider to foreign competition

良性互动格局 positive interplay

在城镇落户 gain permanent urban residency

率先发展 spearhead development

改革发展成果更多更公平惠及人民群众 enable the people to share more fully and fairly in the benefits of reform and development

  • Lydico


  • 爱学习爱旅游


  • 罗先生9


  • Caaaaasie
