【英文版04】Todd Yellin:Onboard for Growth: A Case Study in Talent Development

【英文版04】Todd Yellin:Onboard for Growth: A Case Study in Talent Development





How does Netflix, one of the most innovative and fast-growing companies in the new media space, keep itself on an even keel while sailing into uncharted waters? The answer begins with the interview process for new hires. Right from the start, Netflix takes steps to ensure that its employees are ready to fit into the company’s well-defined culture and drive growth.

在新媒体领域,网飞无疑是最善于创新、同时也是发展最快的公司之一。对网飞而言,当公司这艘大船航向未知领域的时候,应该如何保证船体的平稳呢?网飞给出的答案,可以从面试新员工的流程开始谈起。从一开始,网飞就采取种种策略,保证自己的雇员已经做好准备,去适应公司那明确而清晰的文化氛围 ,并在这种氛围下不断取得进步。





We really know that you can’t measure a human being perfectly how they’re going to perform in one environment versus how they’re going to perform in an interview environment. But we do we talk to people, we do a couple of rounds, we do do our due diligence around checking references, which we think is important. But there’s certain things we’re looking for. Obviously we’re looking for expertise in whatever domain they’re in. So whether it be engineering, design, project management, whatever field they’re in, consumer insights, we want someone who has real experience and real expertise about what they’re doing. That, of course, is table stakes. But then pass that, like any company, Netflix has a particular culture and we want someone who’s going to fit in the culture here. We’re very non-political. So I see this all the time and it’s surprising, when you’re interviewing someone and they’re playing up the things like the following, they’ll say yeah I was able to take this project and I was able to convince senior management we should try it and I was able to convince all these people to work on it and I was able to pass it through this system and make it jumped through this hoop and twirl in this way, that sounds like they got really a lot of a high degree of political savvy. And that’s not particularly what we’re looking for, we’re looking for someone who just knows how to curate great ideas, able to bill or design what will work and try to avoid the politics because the politics are an extra tax that we’re really trying to offload as much as possible.




So different skills will work in different places. Because we’re such a debate-ful culture I want people to be comfortable speaking their minds. I want people to be comfortable to give feedback to others in a very open way and not try to couch it in certain ways to some people than others. We don’t want people obviously to be saying certain the right thing to a certain person and then behind their back they’re saying something else.


Instill a growth mindset


When I got to Netflix we were a much smaller company. The company is a magnitude or if not more bigger now than we were then. And the concern always year over year is do you grow into this slow moving creature that eventually becomes a dinosaur and then you’re hit in the head with an asteroid and it’s all over? So you want to avoid that and so you do everything you can to keep on driving up the talent density, keep on hiring new blood and challenging them and challenging yourself and don’t get mixed up in old doctrines, don’t get mixed up in what might drag you down, but keep things fresh and alive. So, driving debate helps that as you grow so you’re not sluggish or you’re not going to weigh yourself down.


Leaning forward, you know, what I’m fond of saying, what I say to new employees when they come to Netflix and I give a little speech to them is I show them slide decks, some history of Netflix, where we’ve been, where we’re going and so forth. But I tell them the most important slide is this little cartoon I show of a guy laying on his face. And basically falling on your face is important and if you don’t fall on your face and if you don’t have – if you don’t create a safe enough culture of innovation where falling on your face is actually respected and you dust yourself off and you get up and you try something else, then you’re not going to have an innovative culture.






Vet the candidates - Most desired new hire traits:

·     Expertise in field

·    Good fit culturally (Don’t be tempted by boasting of political savvy)

·    Great idea curators

·    Ability to execute on ideas that add value

·    Comfortable giving and receiving honest criticism


1.     具备某一领域的专业知识;

2.     有优良的文化适应能力,面试官不能被迷惑,不应该去选择那些炫耀办公室政治心得的候选人;

3.     能把好主意变成现实;

4.     有足够的执行力,将有价值的想法变成现实;

5.     能很好地提出或接受诚恳的批评。

Instill a growth mindset

·    Continue expanding your talent density

·    Be open to defying old doctrines

·    Maintain your debate-ful culture

·    Make sure that falling on one’s face is not only safe, but respected






本节目英文版音频和视频均由美国Big Think Edge 独家授权,中文版由喜马拉雅制作播出。感谢收听,我们下集节目再见!

  • 慧灯弘法


  • 燕子的留声馆

    管理,执行是公司的基本 上级负责管理,下级有效执行 一切正常运行~

  • 听友105697942


    西北小崽 回复 @听友105697942:

  • novandy

    【Scalers五一五天英语听说训练营】Day 5 完成人:Charmless 成果清单: 学到的知识: 要学会通过英文释义找出两个词的细微区别比如experience与expertise,区分这两个词的维度是“时间”; 要学着用近义词丰富自己的表达。 准备什么时候用:先记牢,然后一有机会就去用。 学习感受:学英文要踏踏实实去做,然后方能体会到“进一步有进一步的欢喜”。

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  • 赵宏军68


  • 雨酱_99


  • 听友32428763

    【 Scalers 五一五天英语听说训练营 】 Day 5 完成人: 团圆肉包子 1.也许一段文本下来你不能做到全部听懂,但是可以把心态放轻松,去get关键信息点,构建一个通俗易懂的故事梗概与无法获取信息的人分享,这是口译最原始的目的和意义。 2.很多expressions看起来每个单词都会,但是让自己造句就万万想不到,所以要多对比,多读,多积累,多用。 3.每次互动都是一种好的促进和激发,很多句词对比中文的翻译灵感往往可以从其他人所说的答案去更好的吸收、学习和提高。

  • 听友32428763

    【五一五天听说训练营感想】团圆肉包子 5天能做什么?躺尸、刷剧、死宅……短暂爽过之后可能会带来更长久的空虚与后悔。但我这五天因为报了S和W老师的五日听说训练营,坚持跟直播上课,从第一天听音频一堆问号和满脸黑线,到第五天已经可以简单地复述要点,学会了很多技巧,如视译、反向进英、复述、用中文讲解,也get如何更好地利用字典去贴合文意掌握单词,虽然离群里各位大神还有很遥远的距离,但是一天天跟着完成作业,多朗读,积极互动。每天早上起床就打开喜马拉雅反复听,现在甚至都幻听是开篇那个音乐了。很开心的是就像老师说的,不会的越多,打怪升级收获的惊喜也越多。我会继续贯彻落实老师们教的技巧刻意练习持续成长。