




heyyou are you不要萱萱讲人萱萱读脑萱萱读闻萱萱读言萱萱讲名萱萱读者萱萱讲利萱萱读名萱萱讲哈哈萱萱读哈萱萱读机萱萱讲艺萱萱读术萱萱读人萱萱讲艺萱萱读言萱萱背哈萱萱讲励萱萱读名萱萱讲记萱萱读名萱萱读志萱萱讲闻萱萱读新萱萱读与萱萱读闻萱萱读哈特萱萱读魁萱萱背杯萱萱背特凰萱萱读烦萱萱译纸萱萱读凰萱萱背鲨萱萱背夏萱萱读特萱萱读格萱萱讲鹿萱萱背探萱萱背贝萱萱讲哈特萱萱背光光萱萱讲救萱萱背暮萱萱读考萱萱背萱萱读社萱萱读城阅读理解文章英语复习萱萱编梦2萱萱变梦萱萱读夏萱萱讲见萱萱背顿萱萱读偏萱萱背玛萱萱讲傲萱萱背园萱萱背顿萱萱读哈特特萱萱背庄萱萱讲波哈萱萱讲内萱萱读利利萱萱唐萱萱讲特萱萱读劳萱萱讲神萱萱读洛萱萱读华萱萱读夏克萱萱感想萱萱背夏萱萱读戒萱萱讲夏夏萱萱讲甲萱萱讲快速萱萱读夏萱萱讲福福钴潭溪小西地 萱萱讲文言文萱萱讲夏萱萱读夏L117U11萱萱讲夏萱萱讲福福1A Walk Through The ForestU10萱萱快萱萱讲衣U9小神兽跑跑跑 2021-04-18 20:33萱萱讲尔萱萱讲洛萱萱讲波萱萱讲跑萱萱讲脑萱萱讲波萱萱讲咯咯萱萱讲气气萱萱读哈萱萱讲噶萱萱读哈活动手册P104萱萱读见再来一个新东方口语作业两个口语作业萱萱读不U8U7L115萱萱读牛小神兽跑跑跑 2021-04-15 23:34萱萱读比萱萱讲期萱萱读说萱萱讲女萱萱读切萱萱讲球L113U6萱萱读赛萱萱读女萱萱读叫萱萱讲小女孩萱萱讲急急L111萱萱读试U5和评价手册P100U5和活动手册P100萱萱读学萱萱读怕萱萱读紧萱萱讲屋屋萱萱读气萱萱读打打U4和活动手册P98萱萱讲晕萱萱讲一个石头萱萱讲踪踪萱萱讲一个宇宇萱萱讲争争萱萱讲射射萱萱讲一个环环L109萱萱读信信萱萱讲喝喝的故事萱萱讲美美萱萱讲一本书萱萱读一张纸萱萱读狐胡萱萱读小女孩U3和活P96萱萱读一个狗的故事萱萱读水和鸟萱萱讲一个小女孩的故事萱萱读一个射的故事萱萱讲一个复习的故事萱萱讲一个棒子的故事萱萱讲一个上课的故事L107,U2和活动手册萱萱讲一个猫头鹰的故事hg5萱萱讲一个吃东西的故事萱萱读一个上课的故事hg9hg25萱萱读一个考试的故事L105萱萱讲一个生气的人萱萱读一个奇怪的人萱萱读一个惨惨的人U1和活动手册萱萱读一个厉害的故事萱萱读一个厉害的人萱萱读焦急的故事萱萱讲车的故事萱萱讲一个厉害的人萱萱讲一个山里的故事萱萱讲一个屋子的故事萱萱讲一个神奇的人萱萱讲一个商店的故事萱萱读回忆的故事萱萱读一个厉害的人萱萱讲一个恶作剧萱萱读一个玩笑的事萱萱读课表萱萱讲一本日记萱萱读找水的故事萱萱读一个危险的游戏萱萱读一个讲情感的故事萱萱读一个房间的故事萱萱读一个住在洞里的人萱萱讲一个房间的故事萱萱讲日记的故事Shirley讲故事12.2702萱萱讲记忆的故事萱萱1253萱萱47258萱萱44萱萱77萱萱8787217萱萱哈哈哈哈萱萱474747萱萱4萱萱5萱萱5萱萱4萱萱7萱萱5萱萱4萱萱5 哦哦萱萱6萱萱28萱萱4萱萱5萱萱9萱萱6萱萱4萱萱6萱萱2萱萱6萱萱8萱萱2萱萱1萱萱读历史周公瑾墓下诗序 萱萱讲文言文萱萱2萱萱1萱萱萱萱萱萱萱萱萱萱666666666818卖柑者言 萱萱讲文言文萱萱讲历史萱萱6866686888萱萱读玉观潮 萱萱讲文言文萱萱86688668888英语周诵读1到6萱萱8686888888萱萱8686868萱萱6868666萱萱8886萱萱读历史沧浪亭记 萱萱讲文言文Shirley讲26.2萱萱读散文萱萱888888萱萱读历史复习朗读三 四单元萱萱文言文萱萱1212588888吏道 萱萱讲文言文萱萱读历史萱萱13135卖柑者言 萱萱讲文言文Shirley读故事萱萱Shirley2021.1.6萱萱读历史对楚王问 萱萱讲文言文萱萱1123新城游北山记 萱萱讲文言文第六单元复习Shirley讲哈哈哈12.6后赤壁赋 萱萱讲文言文Shirle哈哈讲萱萱说一下婢音哀记 萱萱讲文言文萱萱讲历史戕竹记 萱萱讲文言文萱萱讲历史西游梦寻记 萱萱讲文言文萱萱1.1Shirley讲故事12.2705录鬼簿序 萱萱讲文言文Shirley讲故事12.27.03Shirley快乐读03萱萱说说说秋声赋 萱萱讲文言文Shirley讲故事1227萱萱1212萱萱919萱萱读一读 E12.23嘟嘟 萱萱呵一下西湖梦寻序 萱萱讲文言文Twelve 萱萱讲讲12.22no question12.18快乐读哟萱萱讲文言文厉害萱萱 萱萱讲历史1212.58萱萱1212.5萱萱小古文 萱萱讲文言文呵呵呵 萱萱讲历史朗读女孩的故事喜雨亭 萱萱讲文言文答司马谏议书 萱萱讲文言文萱萱说一下数学的故事 萱萱讲历史萱萱讲一讲萱萱说一说3.6萱萱讲故故 2.6萱萱讲讲5.6We know 萱萱讲喜欢得故事萱萱读一读hdhh2.3Voldemort is after the Elder Wand一个厉害的王子 萱萱讲历史萱萱读英语 各喝喝1.5萱萱读英语 读读读U9和活动手册萱萱讲英语2.3Is he in the castleAm I allowed to havehow much moreL101萱萱讲文言文Do you know?Peter! I whisper萱萱讲故事snapped snake again萱萱读英语 12.3The three brothers 23.1he was perfectly alone一个很有个性的小女孩的故事11.199课 Ow!Shirley讲一讲 35.66L87 A car crash英语书Unit 2 Going to school爱丽丝梦游仙境5L65U8 Days of the week傲慢与偏见3U7 My dayL61 A bad cold (new)L59 Is that all (v)L57 An unusual dayL55 The Sawyer familyThe Fox and the Crane(V)The foolish Donkey(V)U10-12The flying turtle (V)Unit7-9The fox and the goat (V)The country mouse and the city mouseUnit 4-6(四年级上)U11 Mother's DayU12 Three little pigsThe Deer and earwiClare and the FairWhere Were You BertU6 Food and drinksU5 toysU4 Animals in the zooPaula the VetUnit 3Tara's PartyU2 TastesU1 coloursU12 The four seasons(B)U12 The four seasons(2)U12 The four seasonsU11 small animalsNo milk todayU10 numbersU9 In my roomLeroy2U8 At the fruit shopU6 The vowel pair ou&owU7 In the classroomThe Upside down Browns2U6 meUsman's books(new)U5 Magic e with uU5 my familyU4 Magic e with ou4 My friendsThe Cinderella playU3 Magic e with iU3 Are you Kitty?U2 Magic e with eU2 How are youSue kangarooU1 Magic e with aU1 HelloU12 A girl and three bearsTadpolesU11 Book DayU10 ActivitiesU9 my clothes6月7日U8 traffic rulesThe snake and the drakeU7 the four seasonsMoan moan moanU13 sound of the letter ZzU13 sound of the letter YyU6 animals l likeU12 sound of the letter XxU12 sound of theletter WwU5 food I like②U5 food l likeThe wrong kind of knightU11 sound of the letter VvU11 sound of the letter UuU4 things I like doing②Spike saysu10 sound of the letter TtU10 sound of the letter SsU3 can you hear a train?U9 sound of the letter RrU9 sound of the letter Q newU9 sound of the letter QU2 touch and feelQueen Anneena's FeastU8 sound of the letter PpU8 sound of the letter OU12 In the streetU11 in the forestU10 in the skyLet's act P40-41Splash and squelchU9 Dinner is ready(new)U9 dinner is readyU8 in my roomU7 sound of the letter NnU7 sound of the letter MmU7 In the playgroundThe scrap rocketU6 sound of the letter LU6 Sound of the letter KU6 my hair is shortU5 sound of the letter Jj 11月7日U5 sound of the letter JjU 5 sound of the letter IiThe trunk and the skunkUnit 4 Sound of the letter HhU4 Sound of the letter GgUnit 3 Sound of the letter FfSound of the letter Ee 10月10日Gran is cross 10月15日U4 can you swim?10月17日U5 That's my family 10月26日unit 3 Are you Alice?9月29日Sound of the letter Dd 9月27日The shopping list 9月25日The shopping list 9.25Sound of the letter Cc 9月21日let's play and let's sing P6-9页,9月16日Sound of the letter Bb( 9月15日)Sound of the letter Aa 9月12日U1 what can you see?unite7 HobbiesUnit 9Unit fourUnit 1 to 3The lion and the mouseL53 An interesting climateL59 Is that all?(new)小萱萱读故事 有趣故事11.10next morning23.5萱萱讲英语萱萱说一说萱萱讲英语好无聊没有机会
