
1个回答2022-09-21 17:10
Have you just been to the cinema?
Yes,I have.
What's on?
"Paris in the spring.'
Oh,I've already seen it.
I saw it
on television last year.
It's an old film , but it's very good.
paris is a beautiful city.
I've never been there.
Have you ever been there,Ken?
Yes ,I have.
I was there in April.
Paris in the spring.eh?
It was spring,
but the weather was awful.
It rained all the time.
Just like London!
It is eight o'clock,
The children go to school by car
every day.
but today,
they are going to school on foot.

It is ten o'clock.
Mrs.Sawyer usually stays at home
in the morning,
but this morning,
she is going to the shops.

It is four o'clock.
In the afternoon,
Mrs.Sawyer usually drinks tea
in the living room_
But this afternoon,
She is drinks tea in the gardon.

It is six o'clock.
In the evening,
the children usually do their homework,
but this evening,
they are not doing their homework.
At the moment,
they are playing in the garden.

It is nine o'clock.
Mr.Sawyer usually reads his newspaper
at night.
But he's not reading his newspaper tonight.
At the moment,
he's reading an interesting book.
1个回答2022-07-21 19:08
The children go to school by car every day, but today, they are going to school on foot. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops. In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room_ But this after, she is drinking tea in the garden. In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are playing in the garden. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night but at the moment, he's reading an interesting book.
1个回答2022-08-27 20:40
1. before finally 在最终(购买)之前
2. before 是一个介词,介词后面要用动名词,因此,这里用了buying.
新概念第一册57课课文.单词及短语。 谢谢
2个回答2022-07-19 09:38
o'clock adv. 点钟

shop n. 商店

moment n. 片刻,瞬间
1个回答2022-10-29 04:35
1个回答2022-07-26 21:26
1个回答2022-10-26 20:26
Though the woman in jeans hesitated for a moment ,she entered an expensive shop and asked to see a dress that was in the window. On being told by an assistant that the dress was sold, the woman returned the following morning dressed in a fur coat. The assistant was eager to serve her this time. After making him bring her almost everything in the window, the woman finally bought the dress she had first asked for.
《翻过那座山》 第57课是什么
1个回答2024-01-15 05:14
第57课 献给母亲的诗 有(歌德的《致我的母亲》).(海涅的《献给母亲蓓·海涅》).(舒婷的《啊,母亲》)
1 短文两篇 2 诗两首 3 两条路 4 最先与最后 5 散文两篇 6 石缝间的生命7 欣赏生命 8 短文两篇 9 老人的黑帽子 10 诗三首 11 少年旅行队 12 十三岁的际遇 13 贪心的紫罗兰 14 小溪流的歌 15 我为什么生活 16 往事(二)之八 17 人生寓言 18 乌尔法特短文两篇 19 悼念玛丽·居里20 怀念比埃尔 21 居里夫人传(节选) 22 跨越百年的美丽 23 《论语》十则 24 孔子的故事(节选) 25 春天 26 春风 27 自然之色 28 夏天的瓶供 29 海滨仲夏夜 30 夏天的旋律 31 济南的秋天 32 秋天的落叶 33 北国秋叶 34 秋颂 35 松坊溪的冬天 36 冬景 37 雪 38 子夜四时歌 39 黑洞 40 DNA之歌 41 生命的基石——细胞 42 板块学说 43 变幻多彩的地球 44 大自然的文字 45 大气 46 沈括短文三篇 47 蝉和蚂蚁的寓言 48 萤火虫 49 松树金龟子50 “阿波罗”登月拾趣 51 月球的奥秘和地球的历史 52 在月球上 53 诗十首 54 我儿子一家 55 我们家的男子汉 56 旦旦记趣 57 献给母亲的诗 58 秋天的怀念 59 芭蕉花 60 我们是怎样过母亲节的 61 约翰逊博士的忏悔 62 父子情 63 多年父子成兄弟 64 《父亲》三篇 65 梯子 66 古代家书一束 67 坚定的锡兵 68 夜莺69 安徒生之为安徒生 70 牛郎织女故事二则 71 俄耳甫斯和欧律狄刻 72 诗二首 73 盘古开天辟地74 创世纪75 普罗米修斯76 雨人 77 小王子(节选) 78 奥菲丽娅的影子剧院 79 中外寓言八则 80 帕多瓦的爱国少年 81 我的母亲 82 我的同学科列帝 83 寄小读者(通讯十) 84 寄小读者(通讯十四) 85 辛伯达航海 86 谈阅读 87 怎样读 88 读出声儿来 89 冰心论创作 90 写作指导五则
1个回答2022-10-29 20:10
The owner of a shop wanted to see how polite hie assistant were,so one day he went into hia shop and dressed as a tramp.He asked to see a suit,but the assistant considered him as a tramp and could not afford a suit,then the ower was thrown out.
4个回答2022-08-30 01:03
Though the woman in jeans hesitated for a moment ,shei entered an expensive shop and asded to see a dress that was in the window. On being told by an assistant that the dress was sold, the woman returned the following morning dressed in a fur coat. The assistant was eager to serve her this time. After making him bring her almost everything in the window, the woman finally bought the dress she had first asked for.