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The buildings in this city ...
1个回答2024-03-08 22:23
【答案解析】试题分析:句意:这座城市的建筑物没有我家乡的建筑物高。not as +adj +as不如……, the buildings 是复数,和空格处相对应,同类不同物,故应选A。
听力原文:In order to understand this writer thoroughly...
1个回答2024-02-19 03:07
这本书上的故事不全是真实的 英文 —— —— —— the stories in this book are real
1个回答2024-04-05 05:36

Not all of the stories in this book are real

This story is--------(interesting) one in the book
1个回答2024-02-22 06:49
This story is an interesting one in the book.
this is his shadow let's put it in the drawer
1个回答2023-12-25 07:16
Peter Pan本来就是童话故事啊,这样的情节比比皆是。
shadow就是影子,this is his shadow let's put it in the drawer 就是“这是他的影子,我们把它放到抽屉里吧”。包括前文不是说了吗,Nana把窗子一关,男孩的影子就掉到地上了。
this is his shadow let's put it in the drawer
1个回答2024-01-23 06:24
Peter Pan本来就是童话故事啊,这样的情节比比皆是。
shadow就是影子,this is his shadow let's put it in the drawer 就是“这是他的影子,我们把它放到抽屉里吧”。包括前文不是说了吗,Nana把窗子一关,男孩的影子就掉到地上了。
I love three things in this world The sun , the m
1个回答2023-10-15 08:21
In our world, any story of this kind makes people ______.请帮忙...
1个回答2024-03-16 17:32
正确答案:think of drink
think of drink 解析:由文章倒数第六段第一句话可直接得知答案。
There is no such place_________you dream of in all this worl
1个回答2024-03-04 05:21