
2022-09-29 12:55

Along with society's development, the tourism has become in the global economic the development momentum to be strongest and one of scale biggest industries, the traveling industry's deep level research, will give certain cities or the area brings a greater economic efficiency. This article take Shandong Province's Jinan as an example, regarding its tourism's development present situation, has carried on the corresponding countermeasure analysis. The article first introduced that the Jinan tourism the historical development and the development present situation, then the question which and the development potential existed to the Jinan tourism development in have carried on the thorough analysis, based on this, put forward the beneficial proposal and the concrete strategy to the Jinan tourism's development

Along with society's development, the tourism has become in the global economic the development momentum to be strongest and one of scale biggest industries, the traveling industry's deep level research, will give certain cities or the area brings a greater economic efficiency. This article take Shandong Province's Jinan as an example, regarding its tourism's development present situation, has carried on the corresponding countermeasure analysis. The article first introduced that the Jinan tourism the historical development and the development present situation, then the question which and the development potential existed to the Jinan tourism development in have carried on the thorough analysis, based on this, put forward the beneficial proposal and the concrete strategy to the Jinan tourism's development

Along with society's development, the tourism has become in the global economic the development momentum to be strongest and one of scale biggest industries, the traveling industry's deep level research, will give certain cities or the area brings a greater economic efficiency. This article take Shandong Province's Jinan as an example, regarding its tourism's development present situation, has carried on the corresponding countermeasure analysis. The article first introduced that the Jinan tourism the historical development and the development present situation, then the question which and the development potential existed to the Jinan tourism development in have carried on the thorough analysis, based on this, put forward the beneficial proposal and the concrete strategy to the Jinan tourism's development
1个回答2023-04-10 16:35
1个回答2024-02-08 00:13
看不见你的时候,思念像座山压在胸口;看得见你的时候,快乐像条河涌进心头,让山和水来见证我对你的思念。 只因有了你,世界才变得美丽,只因有了你,每天晚上我才不寂寞,网上的你永远是个谜,在我心中却是如此美...
英语达人 求解:翻译一段人物介绍
1个回答2024-03-25 06:44
译文: Hedo is a life experience unknown girl. Because the agents to adjust La Puda chieftains Musi Ka ...
求 几个动画片段 动漫达人进
1个回答2024-02-25 10:35
突然之间还很难想起来啊~ 嗯…… 第一个,在宫崎骏的《千与千寻的神隐》后半段中有白龙带着千寻飞翔的场景。 第二个,《空之境界4 伽蓝之洞》21分18秒左右开始有一小段,《虫师7 雨后彩虹...
1个回答2024-06-09 16:12
我住长江头,君住长江尾; 日日思君不见君,共饮长江水。 此水几时休?此恨何时已? 只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意
1个回答2024-01-18 10:46
写了廉颇从起初不服蔺相如到最后佩服蔺相如并向他负荆请罪 表达了廉颇知错能改和蔺相如宽宏大量的感情 能为您解决问题是我的荣幸
1个回答2023-07-27 19:15
孙猴子 大闹天宫~
1个回答2023-08-09 12:46
1个回答2024-02-12 15:04
不择手段_成语解释 【拼音】:bù zé shǒu duàn 【释义】:择:选择。指为了达到目的,什么手段都使得出来。 【出处】:鲁迅《三闲集·通信》:“要谋生,谋生之道,则不择手段。”