Crazy Baby-Fantasy Prouject 关于这个歌曲所有的资料

2024-08-16 07:55

谢谢·求这歌曲的所有资料... 谢谢·求这歌曲的所有资料 展开
Crazy baby, the spirit of the motion
Don't let me feel devotion, and every day I'll always love you
Baby, so let me see the fire
Better step a little higher
And every day i keep on moving
Baby....your always on my mind
So darlin' ... i miss you everytime
Hey hey baby baby i feel the motion
To hold me lady and i will always miss you darlin' i want you laughing
you left me crying
Our secret love.....
Crazy baby, the spirit of the motion
Don't let me feel
devotion, and every dayI'll always love youBaby, so let me see the fire
Better step a little higher
And every day i keep on moving
[how i live within you x2]
Don't play... dont play my will my heart
But sometimes
We couldn't fight to start
Hey hey baby baby your better with me
My dreams will hold you,
and i will love you
Miss you darlin' i want you
laughin you left me crying
It's not enough...
Crazy baby, the spirit of the motion
Don't let me feel devotion, and every day I'll always love you
Baby, so let me see the fire
Better step a little higher
And every day i keep on moving
Baby, the spirit of the motion
Don't let me feel devotion, and every dayI'll always love you
Baby, so let me see the fire
Better step a little higher
And every day i keep on moving x2
1个回答2023-02-19 18:17
幻想; 空想的产物; 幻想作品; 非正式的货币 .想像; 幻想; 奏幻想曲
2个回答2022-11-27 09:40
fantasy 幻想
3个回答2022-11-30 22:51
意思是幻想 有一个游戏叫Fanal fantasy,也就是最终幻想
2个回答2022-10-10 06:28
n. 幻想;白日梦;幻觉 adj. 虚幻的 vt. 空想;想像 vi. 耽于幻想;奏幻想曲(等于phantasy)
4个回答2022-08-23 16:23
3个回答2022-09-06 18:00
fantasyn.幻想;空想的产物;幻想作品;非正式的货币 vt.& vi.想像;幻想;奏幻想曲 这是词典里的。。。不过这种词典释义的话楼主是可以自己搜的 所以楼主本意是想问啥子内?
3个回答2022-11-21 06:19
是形容词,非常,极端,疯狂的意思 日常口语中用的很多,而且不接所修饰的名词。
1个回答2022-09-02 13:22
疯的, 例子 He is crazy.他疯了
1个回答2022-09-12 21:00
形容词 :疯狂的,狂热的,着迷的
3个回答2022-09-15 16:47