
2022-09-16 21:39

2022-09-17 02:04
So that's how it is!
1.So that's how it is!
2.Oh I see now!
3.Oh I see how it is!
4.No wonder!
5.Oh I got it now!
7.So that's why...
8.Oh so that explains why...

以上的都是很口语化的 =)
Oh, so that's it!
Oh, so this is it!
Oh, it is .. (sthing, someone)

原来如此 其实有很多不同的翻译方法~

“Oh, so it is him!"

“Oh, so it's red!"
So that is what [how] it is.;
I see.;
It explains the matter.
That accounts for it.
That accounts for the milk in the coconut
So that explains it
so that's it
Just So
Thavs Why ....