
2024-03-11 16:32

P81页2 的七幅图 罗明起床晚了,骑自行车奔去学校,发现今天是sunday,然后和朋友一起玩,再和爷爷奶奶吃饭,看电视,睡觉。
2024-03-11 19:15
One morning, Xiao ming gets up so late that he had to hurry up to school by bike. Because the teacher will not allow them to be late for school. However, when he got to school, only to find the door closed. At first he felt strange, but later, he knew it is Sunday. So he went to play with his friends. After that he had lunch with his grandfather and grandmother. When he had a meal, he watched TV programs, and went to sleep at night.that is one of his weekend.