
2024-02-29 08:09

1、大雁塔为了保存经书而建。 The great goose pagoda,calling Dayanta in chinese,is built for keeping book. 在这里,在中文中叫dayanta,该怎么翻译呢? 2、让我们给你介绍一下西安的名胜古迹吧。 Let us give you a glimpse of xi'an relics and sites. 名胜古迹该怎么翻译呢,总的介绍该怎么说? 3、玄奘取经的经历被编成了小说《西游记 》 The adventure of xuanzang bring back book was fabricated the novel 虚构成了怎么说呢?
2024-02-29 09:05
大雁塔 Dayan Tower


place of historical interest and scenic beauty;

或scenic spots and historical sites

总的介绍 gernerally speaking

虚构成了,也就是"改编成了":transcribed , recomposed