
2022-12-15 02:05

2022-12-15 05:18
为大家整理吃饭常用英语口语。适合英语入门初学者,想提高日常口语交际者以及想纠正英语口语发音的人群。 Can we pay up front or do we need to pay you? 我们是在前台结账还是付给你就行? I'd like to sit near the window. 我喜欢靠窗户的位置。 Could I also get one to go? 给我再来一份带走好吗? 你是不是想学一些日常英语口语对话来应对平时的工作和生活?英语对话能使人在短的时间内学会实用的会话,美联英语为大家整理英语口语对话吃饭常用英语口语,帮助大家更快理解英语对话。 A: Here we are. This is my favorite place. B: How many times have you come here? A:}never counted. B: I'd like to sit near the window. A: Please be seated. It's my treat today. B: No way. You paid last time. I got it. A: You drove us out here. I'll pay. B: Fine, fine, you can pay. Let's hit the bars later though. I'll buy you a drink. A: Alright, it is a deal. A:我们到了,这是我喜欢的地方。 B:你都来多少次了? A:我都没数过。 B:我喜欢靠窗户的位置。 A:请坐吧。今天我请客。 B:不用了。你上次付了,我来吧。 A:你开车载我们来这里的。我来付吧。
have a meal.
have you eaten yet?