The long-awaited, enormously entertaining memoir by one of the great artists of our time.
In this candid and often hilarious memoir, the celebrated director, comedian, writer, and actor offers a comprehensive, personal look at his tumultuous life. Beginning with his Brooklyn childhood and his stint as a writer for the Sid Caesar variety show in the early days of television, working alongside comedy greats, Allen tells of his difficult early days doing standup before he achieved recognition and success. With his unique storytelling pizzazz, he recounts his departure into moviemaking, with such slapstick comedies as Take the Money and Run, and revisits his entire 60-year-long and enormously productive career as a writer and director, from his classics Annie Hall, Manhattan, and Hannah and Her Sisters to his most recent films, including Midnight in Paris. Along the way, he discusses his marriages, his romances, and his famous friendships, his jazz playing, and his books and plays. We learn about his demons, his mistakes, his successes, and those he loved, worked with, and learned from in equal measure.
This is a hugely entertaining, deeply honest, rich and brilliant self-portrait of a celebrated artist who is ranked among the greatest filmmakers of our time.
Woody Allen的这部自传以他独有的喜剧风格回顾了自己八十多年的人生。前半部分听起来更有趣一些,后半部分涉及到他跟米娅和孩子们之间的风波,难免有些絮叨和带些怨气。他说自己到这个岁数了,已经不用再顾忌,可以想到什么就说什么,结果就是常常在叙述中插进一些别的话题,有时候绕出去好大一段才转回来。好在他作为作家和喜剧演员的功底还在,口述的节奏和包袱都安排的得心应手,听起来不算枯燥。如果不是他本人自述,又或者只是阅读这书的印刷版,估计效果会打不少折扣。