a guide 听力
A Dragon's Guide Series
A Royal Guide to Monster
A Babysitter's Guide(1-3)
Mandarin Slang Guide
A Good Girl's Guide to Mu
A guide to ATM—费登奎斯练习集
Founded in 1905, “No. 79 Fenyang Road Building” adopts the architectural style from the later period of the French Renaissance. This building has two floors and another half of its floor is used as the basement. This building is in the maso...
您需要知道的 100 个韩语动词和变位规则。包装内有两本书,第 1 卷和第 2 卷包装内有两本书,第 1 卷和第 2 卷,方便您随身携带。这些书总共有300多页。您还可以在 TalkToMeInKorean.com 下载每个关键字和五个例句的录音。本书旨在帮助您了解 100 个最常用...
您的第一个汉字指南:学习韩语中使用的基本汉字“Hanja(한자, 汉字)”是指在韩语中使用的汉字,即使你自己不知道如何读写汉字,知道基于汉字的单词也会成倍地增加你的韩语词汇量,因为许多韩语单词都是以这些汉字为基础的。问:韩国人真的知道成千上万的汉...
Guide Series 1-2+1.5 - Mackenzi Lee Teens Fiction & LiteratureGuide Series 1-2By: Mackenzi Lee...
Pearl Art Museum, Shanghai, along with the Mucha Foundation, Prague, are delighted to collaborate to present a spectacular exhibition of Czech Art Nouveau Maestro Alphonse Mucha’s art from March 30th to July 21st, 2019.This is the first eve...
Writing Guide to English EmailsSection 1入门Section 2好句Section 3衔接词Section 4范例
完整书名: Experts' Guide to 100 Things Everyone Should Know How To DoThe simplest things are the hardest to master. From brewing your morning cup of coffee and reading the newspaper to apologizing or remembering names, it’s the small stuff...
Rendezvous with Scenery in Changning When speaking of Changning, the followingsentence is always the style of the west area. The west area has been regardedas geographic epitome which demonstrates the spirit and living style ofShanghai....
“The Amercian Accent Guide” 是由Beverly A Lujan女士创作。主要教学的是关于美国英语的发音和说话风格。本课程总共47小节,学完"The Amercian Accent Guide"只需要花费您7个多小时的时间,希望有需要纠正语音的朋友认真学习,勤加练习,不要三天打鱼两天晒网。 需要文本的朋友可以加我微信 Rayna23 备注:喜马拉雅。 如果觉得课程不错,也可以点击下方音频给我打赏,谢谢支持 :) 更多关于英语,或者其他外语的资料,请点击上方的关注,Thanks(・ω・)ノ PS:这些资料都是我以前学习的辛苦搜索、整理出来的,花了我很多的时间,现在免费分享给一样爱好此门语言又没有时间去找资料的朋友们。你打不打赏都是心意,不会强求,但是请学习的朋友们珍惜学习的机会,也珍惜我的劳动成果。谢谢。如果有侵权,请联系我,我会立刻删除!!