史蒂芬·弗莱 | 讲希腊故事《潘多拉盒子》

史蒂芬·弗莱 | 讲希腊故事《潘多拉盒子》


Hello, Stephen Fry here. I’m gonna read you a little bit from my new book Mythos. And this is the story of Pandora who was created by the Gods as a revenge for mankind having the impertinence to accept the gift of fire from Prometheus, which the Gods never wanted them to have. So they created the first woman and her name was Pandora which means “all-gifted”.


And she was given a jar often called the box. But it’s actually a jar to take with her to marry her husband Epimetheus, and it was something she was not allowed to open. Epimetheus and Pandora were very much in love. That could not be denied.


Pandora’s beauty and entertainment was such as to delight him every day. And in return, his facile ability to live always for the moment and never to fret about the future gave her a sense of life as a light and lovely adventure.


But one little itch tickled her. One little fly buzzed around her. One little worm burrowed inside that jar. She kept it on a shelf in their bedroom. When Epimetheus had asked about it, she laughed: “Oh, just a silly thing that Hephaestus made to remind me of Olympus. It’s no value.” “Pretty though,” said Epimetheus, giving it no further thought.

可是她心里总有点痒痒的。像一只小苍蝇飞在身边嗡嗡叫。又像一只小虫子钻进心窝里,都是那个罐子呀。她将陶罐置于卧室的架子上,每当埃庇米修斯问起,她都一笑置之:“喔,不过是赫准斯托斯做的小纪念品啦,让我一直记挂着奥林匹斯山,不值钱的。”“但挺漂亮的。” 埃庇米修斯嘟囔着,并没有多想。

One afternoon, when her husband was away practicing the discus with his friends, Pandora approached the jar and ran her finger around the rim of its sealed lid. Why had Zeus even mentioned that there was nothing interesting inside it. He would never have said such a thing if truly there weren’t.


She pieced the logic of it together in her mind: If you give a friend an empty jar, you would never concern yourself with mentioning that the jar was empty. Your friend might look inside one day and see that for themselves!


So why should you take the trouble to repeat that this jar contained nothing of any interest? There could only be one explanation. There was something of great interest inside! Something of value or power; something either enchanting or enchanted.


But no! She had sworn never to open it. “A promise is a promise!” She said to herself, and straight away felt very virtuous. She believe it is her duty to resist the spell of the jar, which now really seemed almost to be singing out to her in the most alluring way was excessively vexing to have an object so bewitching in her bedroom where it could taunt and tempt her every morning and every night.


Temptation loses much of its power when removed from sight. Pandora went to the small back garden and next to a sundial that a neighbour had given them as a wedding gift. She dug a hole and buried the jar deep in the ground. She patted the earth flat and wheeled the heavy sundial on its plinth over the hiding place. There!


For the next week, she was as gay and skittish and happy as a person had ever been. Epimetheus fell even more in love with her, and invited their friends over to feast and heard a song he had written in her honour. It was a happy and successful party, the last festival that the Golden Age was ever to know.


That night, perhaps a little flushed with the praise that had flowed so freely in her direction. Pandora found it’s hard to sleep. Through the window of her bedroom, the moonlight shone down on the garden. The sundial’s gnomon gleamed like a silver blade.


And once again, she thought she heard the music of the jar. Epimetheus was sleeping happily beside her. The moonbeam was danced in the garden.


Unable to stand it any longer, Pandora leaped from her matrimonial bed, and was out in the garden unrolling the base of the sundial and scrabbling at the earth before she had time to tell herself that this was the wrong thing to do. She pulled the jar from its hiding place and twisted at the lid.


Its wax and seal gave way and she pulled it free. There was a fast fluttering, the furious flapping of wings and a wild wheeling and whirling in her ears. “Oh! Glorious flying creatures!”


But no, they were not glorious at all. Pandora cried out in pain and fright as she felt something leathery brush her neck followed by a sharp and terrible prick of pain as some sting or bite pierced her skin.


More and more flying shapes buzzed from the mouth of the jar. A great cloud of them chattering, screaming, and howling in her ears. Through the swirling fog of these dreadful creatures she saw the face of her husband, as he came outside to see what was happening. He was white with horror and fright.


With a great cry, Pandora summoned up the courage and strength to close the lid and seal the jar. On the garden wall, in the shape of a wolf, Zeus looked on smiling, the most terrible and wicked smile.


As like a cloud of locusts, the shrieking, wailing creatures dawed the air and circled the garden below them in a great vortex before flying up and away, over the town, over the countryside, and around the world, settling like a pestilence wherever man had habitation.


And what were they, these shapes? They were mutant descendants, the dark and evil children of both Nyx and Erebus. They were born of Apate (“Deceit”), Geras (“Old Age”), Oizys (“Misery”), Momus (“Blame”), Keres(“Violent Death”). They were the offshoots of Ate (“Ruin”) and Eris (“Discord”).那么,这些黑影究竟是什么?它们是黑暗女神尼克斯和厄瑞波斯的子嗣。它们畸形黑暗且凶恶狠毒。它们分别是“欺骗之神”阿帕特、“衰老之神”格拉斯,“悲哀之神”俄菊斯,“谴责之神”莫默思,“残暴死亡之神”克雷斯。还有“毁灭之神”阿忒和“纷争之神”厄里斯的子嗣。

These were their names. Ponos(“Hardship”), Limos (“Starvation”), Algos (“Pain”) , Dysnomia (“Anarchy”), Pseudea (“Lies”), Neikea (“Quarrels”), Amphillogiai (“Disputes”), Makhai(“Wars”), Hysminai (“Battles”), Androktasiai and Phonoi (“Manslaughters” and “Murders”).它们的名字如下:“困苦之神”帕诺斯,“饥荒之神”利莫斯,“痛苦之神”阿勒贡斯,“混乱无序之神”戴斯诺米亚,“谎言之神”普修得亚,“争端之神”倪克亚,“争执之神”安费洛格亚,“战争之神”马克海,“斗争之神”许斯密纳伊,“屠戮之神”安德罗克达斯亚和“谋杀之神”弗诺伊。

Illness, violence, deceit, misery, and want had arrived. They would never leave the earth. What Pandora did not know was that when she shut the lid of the jar so hastily, she forever imprisoned inside one last daughter of Nyx. One last little creature was left behind to neat its wings hopelessly in the jar forever. Its name was Elpis, Hope.


  • RachelEmber
