第一夫人又陷抄袭门 美音暴虐版1(附赠课程)| E0515

第一夫人又陷抄袭门 美音暴虐版1(附赠课程)| E0515


US First Lady Melania Trump has been caught up in another plagiarism row, following the launch of her new online safety for children campaign on Monday. A booklet put out by Mrs Trump bore a striking resemblance to one published under the Obama administration. The text and graphics of the "Be Best" booklet were nearly identical to those in the previous edition.

be caught up in: 陷入
plagiarism: 抄袭
row: 争吵;争执
launch a campaign/movement: 发起……运动/倡议
booklet: 小册子
brochure: 小册子
bear resemblance to: 跟……相似
striking: 明显的
text: 文本;文案
graphic: 图表
be identical to: 跟……相似

