Has to be not

Has to be not


little story filled with commonly used words, especially "has", "to", "be", and "not":
"Tom has to be at the office by 9 AM. He's not a morning person, so it can be tough. Tom quickly drinks his coffee, hoping it will wake him up. His cat, Whiskers, has a habit of sitting next to him while he has his breakfast.

'Not today, Whiskers,' Tom says, patting his cat. 'I have to rush today.'
His car keys seem to be missing. 'Not again,' Tom sighs as he looks around. He notices Whiskers playing with something under the couch. It turns out to be his car keys.

'What am I going to do with you?' Tom laughs as he retrieves the keys.

Rushing to work, Tom listens to the morning news. There has been a lot of traffic on his usual route. 'I have to take a detour,' he thinks.

Finally, he makes it to work just in time. Tom's day has just begun, and it’s not going to be an easy one. But he knows he has the skills to handle whatever comes his way."
"Sue has to be at her bakery by 6 AM. She's not a fan of waking up early, but she has to do it to start baking bread and cakes for the day. She quickly makes her tea, which is her morning energy drink.

'Sue, you have to slow down,' her sister often tells her. But Sue knows she can't afford to be slow in her line of work.

One day, Sue realizes she has lost her favorite rolling pin. 'Not this,' Sue groans, realizing how much she relies on it. It has to be somewhere, and she starts to look around her messy kitchen.

When she finally finds the rolling pin under a pile of kitchen towels, she lets out a sigh of relief. 'It's going to be a long day,' she thinks but doesn't let that dampen her spirit.

As she starts baking, she chants her daily mantra, 'To be or not to be a baker, it's no question at all. This is what I love, and this is what I will do.'

The sun has just started to rise, and Sue's day has begun. People say bakery work is arduous, and it's not easy being a baker. But Sue wouldn't want it any other way. She has found her passion, and she is happy."
From the silent rustle of leaves, the forest told its tale. Once, a little boy named Sam lived near the forest. He has always had a charming affection towards nature. He had the spirit of an adventurer that his small town could hardly contain.

One day, Sam decided to challenge the forest's mystery. With an old compass in hand and dreams in his eyes, he ventured into the heart of the wilderness. The forest, renowned for its enigma, was a puzzle he aimed to solve.

As Sam took his first step on the forest floor, he promised, "I will be back home before dawn." As a precaution, he had marked his path by carving symbols on tree trunks. Sam felt he was equipped to face all he might come across.

The forest seemed to be a world apart. Sam was struck by the immense beauty of it. Verdant vines snaked around majestic trees. The forest was alive with creatures unseen and sounds unheard. It was a symphony in itself.

Hours turned into minutes within the fascination of the forest. Time seemed to be in a hurry, not waiting for anyone. As the sun began to set, Sam realized he had ventured deeper than intended. Darkness began to creep. The forest, once his friend, now began to feel like a maze.

"Dawn has not yet arrived. I have to head back," thought Sam. He looked for the carved symbols on the tree trunks, but they seemed blurry. To make matters worse, the compass was not working amidst the thick foliage.

Sam had to stay strong, though fear tempted him. He was lost and alone. But he was resolved to not give up. He decided to retrace his steps, to follow the rustling leaves and the fading sunshine. He knew he had to reach home.

For hours, Sam pushed through. Despite the threat of panic, despite the relentless darkness, his determination had held strong. He decided that fear was not going to conquer him. He whispered to the wind, "Either I will find a way or make one."

And as if answering his plea, the first rays of dawn shone through the foliage. Guided by the light, Sam found the symbols he had carved. His race against time came to a close when he emerged from the ritualistic dance of the shadows.

Even though Sam had not solved the puzzle of the forest, he had learned valuable lessons of courage and determination. Over the years, the forest grew to be a part of him, and he, a part of the forest.

So, every time the wind swooshed past the town, whispers of Sam's daring story could be heard. But the forest kept its secrets. Whenever Sam was asked about his journey, he smiled and said, "Every tale has a hero, but not every hero has a tale. Stories are born in the heart of the wilderness, and it's there they remain." His journey was a treasure for him alone to cherish.
