1472 敏感又好动的他,用这个方法帮助他环游世界

1472 敏感又好动的他,用这个方法帮助他环游世界


早起正能量可以在Wake up with Lily的专辑每天收听到了!

A man may fail many times but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. 一个人可能会失败好几次但是直到他开始怪罪别人的时候,他就是真的是失败了。

In what way(s) did you grow emotionally? 在情感方面,你有什麼樣的成長?

I’ve become more introspective, and I’m more mindful with my emotions. 我变得更会自省,我也对我的情绪能够更加的留意和有意识。

1)So before I hit the roads, I already had a couple of years of trying to understand myself to grow as a person, and I made myself a sort of a basis to be stable emotionally. This was made basically of sports meditation, having diverse and passionate activities during the day (and it) made me feel good in the end of the day. 


2)In my trip, I've been challenged a lot emotionally as well, because even though I had this basis with me, I completely left it on the side for a long time in my trip. When you are travelling in this way, it's very intense and you never take the time to digest. Yeah, this is actually something that made me grow because now that I'm here for the last few days, I started meditating again and getting back to this basic, and it feels way better.


3)There is one more thing to say about this is that I've been diagnosed autistic when I was a child. As an autistic person, there are a few things that I quite different to a… I wouldn't say normal person, but just for the sake of it, I would just say normal. So two main elements is almost hyperactive, I think way too fast on many things, which is good and bad depending on how you manage it, on how you channel your energy. 


4)The second thing is very emotional. Hypersensitive. This is a very good one too, because then it means that your relationships will be extremely honest and very, very sincere. When you are living a lot of experiences in a very short time, then the mind takes a lot and it's very difficult to manage. And when you leave the meditation, it's just a big mess and you just fall down at some point. So this was how I grew emotionally by learning that I needed actually to keep meditating. And taking some time for me and meditating was very important.

For anyone who's interested in how I do this is guided mindfulness meditation.


