丑小鸭 Chapter 02没有人喜欢丑小鸭

丑小鸭 Chapter 02没有人喜欢丑小鸭

  • 静海叶雨

    The Ugly Duckling looks into the water. He sees an ugly duckling. "The marsh duck is right. I am ugly," he sighs. The Ugly Duckling is sad. The Ugly Duckling runs to a house. "I will live in this house," he says. But he sees a big dog in the house. Growl(咆哮)! The dog growls and says, "You are an ugly duckling. You can't live in this house."The Ugly Duckling runs to a pond. He sees beautiful swans. "The swans are beautiful. I want to be like them," he sighs.

  • 听友479305117


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  • 静海叶雨

    Chapter Two Nobody Likes the Ugly Duckling The Ugly Duckling runs to a marsh. He sees big marsh(沼泽) ducks. "I want to play with you," says the Ugly Duckling. "I want to play with you," says the Ugly Duckling. "You don't look like us. Look into the water. You are an ugly duckling!" says a big marsh duck.

  • 谢佩轩


  • 音乐小星星

  • 菲菲菲菲鸭
