

  • lilynxx


    MIYA老师 回复 @lilynxx: 没有呢

  • Judy_hz

    Once there was a hare who met tortoise on the road. “how slow you are “,said the hare to the tortoise. ”Not as slow as you might think “said the tortoise ,“in fact, I will challenge you to a race!” ”Done!”, said the hare,”And that will be the easiest race I ever won” ,thought the hare.

    赞你最好 回复 @Judy_hz: 😃

  • Judy_hz

    3. And the hare lay down and fell asleep. The tortoise kept going along at a steady pace and soon past the sleeping hare. In a little while, the hare woke and rushed along, but the tortoise had already crossed the finishing line and won. The moral is: slow and steady wins the race.

  • Judy_hz

    2. They asked the fox to be judge and started out. In no time at all, the hare was far ahead of the tortoise. “ I am so far ahead that I think I ‘d just lie down under this tree and take a nap , I will catch up with the tortoise with no trouble at all ”.

    丁丁他爸_h4 回复 @Judy_hz: @@qq.com

  • nsvh4ee5tinzrh8ynoih


    MIYA老师 回复 @nsvh4ee5tinzrh8ynoih: 本专辑暂时没有文本提供哦~

  • 鸟人同学


  • 听友340422187


  • 紫绡_2e

    How slow you are sad here to the toilets. Notice love with you might think said to this, in fact, I have a chance to tourists the said the hair. And that would be the uses race, either one thought hair hm. They asked fox to be the church and started out in no time at all. They hear with fore he

  • 紫绡_2e

    Once there was a hair to make a choice on the road, how slow you were sent here to the tourists. Not slow with, you might think said to this. In fact, i'll change you to raise. Done. Said here. And that would be the easy as reside. Everyone thought hair? They asked fox to be the judge and started

    听友114354358 回复 @紫绡_2e: 哈哈

  • 陈嘉乐666