522 –DIY Project - Staining a deck 甲板着色

522 –DIY Project - Staining a deck 甲板着色



Paint: 油漆(名词)、刷油漆(动词)

Stain: 着色剂(名词)、着色(动词)

Primer: 底漆

Roller: 滚筒

Pole: 长杆

Tray: 托盘

Liner: 内衬

Brush: 刷子

Railing: 栏杆

Post: 柱子

The main difference between paint and stain is that paint sits on top of the surface rather than seeping into the surface. Paint also needs to be painted onto surfaces that have been primed first, while stain does not need a primer.

It is easier to apply stain in the early morning or late afternoon, or at a time when sunlight is not beating directly upon the surfaces.

Step 1”Clear and sweep the deck

Sweep the deck to remove all leaves and other debris.

Pressure wash the deck.

Once the deck is dry, use sandpaper to remove any remaining residue.

Step 2:Prepare the deck for staining

Replace any broken, rotted, or warped(扭曲的) boards.

Step 3:Stain the railing

Stir the stain thoroughly.

Pour it into a paint tray.

Stain the railings and posts with a paintbrush.

Step 4:Stain the deck boards

Stain the deck boards using a roller.

Use a paint brush between cracks and in any problem areas.

Once you are finished, clean the brushes and rollers immediately.

Allow the stain to dry for at least 24 hours.

