


Chinese pop singer and actor Jackson Yee has given up a lifetime job offer from the National Theatre of China after widespread public outrage and criticism about celebrity privilege. For Yee and the other two young Chinese actors, joining the theater would mean that they would receive a bianzhi-a government-funded post that can normally be extended for life and comes with a stable career with housing subsidies and other benefits. Many netizens expressed their doubts about the transparency of the hiring process for celebrities. 

①Chinese pop singer and actor Jackson Yee has given up a lifetime job offer from the National Theatre of China after widespread public outrage and criticism about celebrity privilege.

1. give up 放弃

2. lifetime adj. 终身的

lifetime appointment 终身制职位

3. criticism n. 批评
critic n. 评论家,批评家
criticize v. 批评,评论

receive criticism 收到批评
accept criticism 接受批评

4. outrage n. 愤怒

5. widespread adj. 普遍的,广泛的

widespread prejudice 普遍的偏见
widespread racism 泛滥的种族主义
widespread media coverage 广泛的媒体关注

6. privilege n. 特权,特殊待遇;荣幸,荣誉(honor)

Education should not be a privilege.

It is a privilege to do sth. 做某事很荣幸
It was a great privilege to work with you.

②For Yee and the other two young Chinese actors, joining the theater would mean that they would receive a bianzhi-a government-funded post that can normally be extended for life and comes with a stable career with housing subsidies and other benefits.

1. post n. 职位(position)

take up a post 就职
resign a post 辞职

2. fund v. 资助,为……提供资金

The museum is privately funded. 

3. extend v. 持续,延伸

4. subsidy n. 津贴、补贴

high temperature subsidy 高温补贴
government subsidy 政府补贴

5. benefit n. 补助金,益处;v. 受益于

benefit from sth. 得益于某物或某事
Young people benefit from various kinds of outdoor activities.

③Many netizens expressed their doubts about the transparency of the hiring process for celebrities. 

1. netizen n. 网民

brunch 早午饭
smog 烟雾
chinglish 中式英语
webinar 网络研讨会

2. transparency n. 透明度,公开度
transparent adj. 透明的,公开的

Some insect's wings are almost transparent.

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