


Queen Elizabeth II revealed she was left tired and exhausted from a recent COVID-19 infection. The queen made the remark during a virtual visit in April to mark the opening of the Royal London Hospital’s Queen Elizabeth Unit. The 96-year-old monarch, who is triple-vaccinated, tested positive for COVID-19 in February and experienced what Buckingham Palace described as “mild cold-like symptoms.” The palace said she would continue light duties at Windsor throughout the week.

①Queen Elizabeth II revealed she was left tired and exhausted from a recent COVID-19 infection. 

1. reveal v. 透露

The actress won’t reveal how old she is.

2. tired adj. 疲惫的
exhausted adj. 精疲力竭的

3. infection n. 感染

infect v. 感染
infectious adj. 有传染性的

COVID-19 is an infectious disease.

②The queen made the remark during a virtual visit in April to mark the opening of the Royal London Hospital’s Queen Elizabeth Unit. 

1. make the remark 发表言论,作出评论(make remarks)

He made a number of rude remarks about the food. 

2. virtual visit 远程访问

virtual adj. 虚拟的;远程的,线上的
virtual reality 虚拟现实(VR)
virtual conference 线上开会
virtual concert 线上演唱会

3. mark the opening of 纪念开幕,庆贺开张

mark v. 庆祝,纪念(celebrate)
mark the anniversary 周年庆

③The 96-year-old monarch, who is triple-vaccinated, tested positive for COVID-19 in February and experienced what Buckingham Palace described as “mild cold-like symptoms.”

1. monarch n. 国王,女王(a king or queen)

2. be triple-vaccinated 接种过三针疫苗

triple adj. 三倍的,三个的
I haven’t had a triple-scoop ice cream cone. 

vaccinated adj. 接种疫苗的
vaccinate v. 接种疫苗
vaccine n. 疫苗
They refused to vaccinate their own children.
I’ve received three doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. 

3. test positive/negative 检测呈阳性/阴性

4. symptom n. 症状

flu symptoms 流感症状
symptoms of depression 抑郁症状

5. mild adj. 轻微的,温和的

mild punishment 轻微的惩罚
mild climate 温和的气候

④The palace said she would continue light duties at Windsor throughout the week.

1. light duties 轻松的公务

duty n. 职责,任务
It’s one’s duty to do sth. = sb. has a duty to do sth. ……是某人的职责或义务

We have a duty to care for the refugees. 

  • 神行者2024

    exhausted精疲力竭,make the remark发表评论,virtual visit远程访问,virtual reality虚拟现实,mark the opening of庆祝……开始,monarch国王,女王,symptoms症状,vaccine疫苗,depression抑郁,punishment惩罚,light duties轻松的公务

  • 肉肉的南尼

    被楼上的笑死 待机时间太长 还mild cold like symptoms

  • 默默想你已经是习惯

    这老太太不是一般的人,她老公到处沾花惹草,她都不放心上,所以 长寿的秘诀就是 远离男人