My cousin Momo 飞鼠探亲记(外教全英)

My cousin Momo 飞鼠探亲记(外教全英)


请关注微信公众号“ 跟大熊玩英语“” 或者拼音daxiong2017,在公众号回复目录,就可以获得故事合集。公众号故事中还有有关故事的科普知识以及有趣习题,赶紧关注吧!

我的表哥 Momo 是一只会飞鼠,他可真酷呀,因此森林里所有的动物都在期待表哥的到来。可渐渐的,我们发现 Momo 一点意思都没有,他不肯在我的朋友面前飞,他连捉迷藏都不会玩。我很生气,Momo 也伤心地哭了......

Momo 会和大家重归于好吗?

This is my cousin Momo! He's a flying squirrel!

We'd been counting down the days until his arrival.

We might have told a friend or two about Momo's special ability.

But Momo seemed kind of shy.

“Give him some time,” said dad.

“Just make him feel welcome!” said Mom.

So we decided we should play superheroes.

But Momo's idea of “superhero” was a little strange.

“Muffin man!” 

That doesn't even make sense.”

We started a game of Acorn-Pong instead.

Every squirrel, flying or not, knows how to play Acorn-Pong! Every squirrel except Momo.

He even messed up hide-and-seek!

“Hey, guys! Look what I found!”

Momo was no fun!

“We should have invited Stinky George instead.”

Maybe we had gone too far.

“We didn't mean that thing about Stinky George.”

“Don't go, Momo!”

So we tried things Momo`s way.

Who knew that a Muffin Man could be a real hero?

Or that Acorn-Pong was actually quite tasty.

We even played hide-and-seek Momo style.

But we all agreed it was more fun our way.

It turned out to be pretty fun having Momo around.

We didn't want him to go, but when it was time…Momo did it in his own way.

Now we're counting down the days until we get to visit Momo!

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